When your doing a girl from the back, then you spin her around and make her munch on your overgrown pubes.
N.C.V. had me chewing on his scruff until i almost choked on that shit. Im the best at the greenland grass chewer though.
by Tablet July 11, 2008
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Willfully ignorant person who blissfully passes time mechanically chewing gum with no light bulbs on upstairs in the noggin, and only wants to enjoy themselves and talk about vapid pop culture and never hurt their brain with boring or inconvenient substantive topics that make them uncomfortable.
Can you keep the topic to something light and fun? I don't want bubble gum chewers like Becky and Chad to get uncomfortable and call 911 on us, and shut happy hour down.
by savmont June 3, 2020
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A female/Lesbian who likes to drink from the furry cup and gets carried away while doing so!
That girl was so good, she's a brilliant Chuff Chewer, you need to hook up with her asap, she won't disappoint!
by OopsyDaisy2010 February 17, 2011
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A pen chewer is a fetish on the rise. Many young and troubled girls with boyfriend issues as well go through a pen chewer with phase. The fetish is closely related to that of the tentacle fetish. The idea of a pen turns them on so but they want to just bite it and let all the ink out. These victims of this fetish suffer from Snapchat disorder, actually classified as a phobia sufferers tend to get noticeably angry when people don’t snap back. A pen chewer is a fetish that shouldn’t really exist yet it does.
Grant: Peri is a pen Chewer
Carson: ew wtf
by notcarsondont@me June 7, 2019
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I just though of the funniest thing dude.....crown chewer
by tht1dbag October 14, 2020
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Derogatory term for a person of Mexican or Hispanic origin or ancestry. Typically used when discussing someone you don't like or get along with who happens to be Hispanic.
John: Man, I can't stand that one Pedro dude. He keeps talking about fucking politics.
Jesse: You mean Enchilada Chewer, right? I can't stand his ass, either.
by Goth Hipster December 9, 2017
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