Using toilet paper or the like to line the bowl of an aircraft toilet so that the turds slide down the hole when flushed without leaving chunks of shit stuck to the sides.
The Captain didn't build a SHIT CANOE and now we need maintenance to report to the forward lav with a chisel!
by Tesax May 9, 2021
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Military term that refers to a group of people who actively participate in canoeing.

Except canoeing refers to splitting open the heads of enemy combatants so it looks like a canoe.
Damn dude, good to see you joined the canoe club frfr.
by Eroc letni March 31, 2022
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A sexual position where three female sit upon a male at positions, one will rest on the man's face, making sure to insert his nose into the vagina. The second female will be seated upon the males erect penis, as one would with a bicycle with no seating. The third and final female will be seated upon the man's feet, making sure that the two big toes are inserted into each cavity of the female. Although this may sound identical to the "American Canoe," the difference is that all lubrication must be substituted with 100% Canadian Maple Syrup. This is to ensure that the women cannot slip off of the man accidentally.
Guy 1: Hey do you see those three hot girls?
Guy 2: Yeah they're cute
Guy 1: Last night we did the "Canadian Canoe" and it was grrrrrreat!
by Kevtap Sankhon June 8, 2017
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When you freeze a turd and use it as a dildo.
Feeling a little lonely, Todd opened his freezer and set to work with his mahogany canoe.
by s english February 9, 2005
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Honey, lets take the jew canoe to the bagel shop!
by Alexander Papsmear February 4, 2005
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Having sex with a woman for whom you have an incredibly intense desire. As in: the act of copulation would involve such strong banging that it could be compared to the act of a Native American carving a dugout canoe out of a tree trunk.
Holy crap Mitchell, I would bore Melissa out like an Indian canoe!
by Photoreb December 6, 2021
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Any big ass pointy womens shoe thats big enough to stomp out a forest fire.
Holy shit! look at the Jersey canoes on Jen.
by CrackersAkA December 17, 2008
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