A screen that appears on all versions of Windows when the system has an error so bad it has to shut down. The error text is displayed as DOS text on a blue background, hence the name. Versions before XP were notorious for giving this screen VERY frequently, though later versions were progressively more stable. XP and Vista users generally don't get this unless:
1. They fuck with software in ways they're really not supposed to.
2.They build their computer themselves and install vital parts wrong.
3. They use bad drivers, especially with their video cards or motherboards.
I started up Windows 95 and got the Blue Screen of Death before I even logged in!
by aewfdsewrtg January 30, 2009
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The act of a computer crashing by displaying the blue screen of death.

Past Tense: Blue Screen of Died
PC User: "Shit, my computer is blue screen of dying."

Mac User: "Should have gotten a Mac, those never blue screen of die."
by seebzy March 12, 2012
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When your computer is really messed up, the Blue Screen of Death tells you.

On the BSoD it shows the reason why your computer stopped, generally, you have no idea what it means.

Some BSoD reasons include:

Page_Fault_In_Nonpaged_Area (whatever that means)
Mult_IRP_Complete_Requests (???)
Memory_Management (that sounds bad...)
also some .exe files cause the BSoD

your computer could be ok, or it could be dead, good luck
the default background for windows is blue for a reason, dam blue screen of death
by idon'tknow1111 July 9, 2010
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Something that happens after every half hour on a Microsoft Windows 98 or lower. Get an XP, dorks!
That's my 129th BSOD today and counting...
by TheBurninator December 9, 2003
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the blue message screen that comes up when an error occurs while using Microsoft Windows
Not the blue screen of death again. This is the third time in a week it's come up.
by Light Joker November 24, 2005
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something that happens when you run windows vista for no longer then 10 minutes. usually when your doing something very important or just beating your meat.
last night i was beating my meat to female/female/donkey action and i got a blue screen of death. so i picked up my computer and threw it out the fucking windows and smoked a cig after.
by dopemane November 6, 2009
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n. common
Due to the extreme fragility and bugginess of Microsoft Windows,
misbehaving applications can readily crash the OS
(and the OS sometimes crashes itself spontaneously).
The Blue Screen of Death, sometimes decorated with hex error codes,
is what you get when this happens. (Commonly abbreviated BSOD.)
It is often impossible to recover cleanly from a BSOD. The blue screen of death can strike anywhere.
At the Comdex trade show, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates
encountered the Blue Screen of Death during a demonstration of Windows 98.
(He had a spare computer standing by).
by notposs May 6, 2006
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