The combination of Blogging and Drinking.

The act of Blogging (while Drunk,) including details you probably wouldn't reveal if you were sober.
Can you believe what Zero posted on the Jagged Spiral blog? He *must* have been blinking!

I always go back the next day and read my blog posts after a night of heavy blinking.
by Conrad Zero May 8, 2008
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A town so small that if blink when you drive through it, you'll miss it.
"We coming up on a blink town."
"You missed it!"
by paperdog January 9, 2010
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The action of “blinking” without actually blinking. Your eyelids flicker which makes your brain think you’ve blinked so that your eyes don’t dry out.
Gabby did you know that we ghost blink without realizing it?
by Emro03 December 4, 2022
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You know those nights when you're ridiculously tired, you're in bed, you close your eyes, you open them what feels like a millisecond later, and eight hours have passed. That's blink sleep. It's a mother bitch.
Emily: Ohh man, I totally had blink sleep last night.

Sacha: Ohh so did I man, it was fucking hideous. I slept for 6 hours but it literally felt like a heartbeat.

Emily: Ennit!
by justchillin(: November 20, 2010
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Very fast, rapidly
On Wall Street the market can change in the blink of an eye.
by Empty! February 24, 2018
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What you do when you come home from a long day of doing nonsense; sleep.
"You trynna chill right now bro?"
"Nah, nigga, it's been a long day. I'm boutta take an extended blink."
"Aight, nigga, bet."
by Fresh Timbs May 2, 2018
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