One that is akin to a bitch, usually being unskillful in the area of first person shooters.
*gets headshot kill on biffle*
w00t! I just totally pwn3d that biffle.
by Sesshy November 1, 2004
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This insane amount of luck that follows around any wiffler and grants the user with the luck of the correct choice. By doing this he causes everyone to exclaim "HOW!" The user can also lend his/her luck to an opponent for them to have a chance!

~Specializes in:
-For loot games
-And any other game

!Mostly exploited by Sigils when doing Sigil and Biffle Science!

To unlock press up up down down shift shift and pray to the Biffle.

Just a reminder: to hit that like button, and that Henwy licks toes, also sigils has weak knees!
Sigils: BRO! What is this! HOW! Explain how you did that!
Biffle: It's just-
Henwy: *Henwy left the game*
Ssundee: Dude, it's the biffle luck!
*Next Round*
Sigils: He better not get it again.
Biffle: *Gets it again*
Sigils: *SLAMS DESK* I'm DoNe!
by HILOLTOO June 3, 2022
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The act of repeatedly striking a sexual partner with a sock full of semen, urine, and feces; similar to the beating of Gomer Pile in "Full Metal Jacket."
My girlfriend refused anal, so I gave her a well deserved Sloppy Biffle.
by passion partier April 19, 2009
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An argument, or extremely heated verbal or physical fight.
Joey: You really wanna go?!
Sam: Fuck you man!

Alex: Ooh! Joey and Sam are having a biffle baffle!
by BiffleBaffler December 14, 2013
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Crazy, Insane, Amazing, AWESOME Sex/sexual activites that partake between two biffles, or best friends.
Wow, last night was so crazy. I was over her house last night and we ended up biffle bagging. Hey there, fuzzy line between friend zone and bromance.
by ChristoferCraig March 20, 2011
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its like baffled just thats what black men say vs. us white men.....
yo nigga' wez gots biffled yesturday on dat quizaz! Straight Up!
by Dr. Fatz February 2, 2004
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