Comes from the saying " useless as tits on a boar hog " refering to someone who is lazy, unhelpful, unmotivated and all around useless.
by miss. smith December 31, 2011
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A highly socially or romantically inept lesbian
Friend: You do know that they like you right?
You: But im so awkward!
Freind: My god you are such a Useless Lesbian
by Bread_Queen June 6, 2019
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when a world is already defined on urban dictionary, and people decide to write another definition, exactly the same as the first time, for no apparent reason
(person 1) im bored, i'll define a random word on urban dictionary.

(person 2) why are there over 100 definitions for justin bieber? They're all useless definitions, we all know he sucks anyway
by Kryoz. September 17, 2018
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A developer who does more damage to a codebase than good.
Oh him? He's a useless fuck and has been been sidewards shuffled into the test team.
by b00fhead September 27, 2010
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A homosexual (or lgbtq person in general) individual who seeks a relationship but does not respond to obvious opportunities and/or offers to persue one.
Girl You Like: “Heyyy, I’ve decided to come out to you as Bisexual! I feel close to you, like you really get me ;) Also you look really cute with that new hairstyle! *agressive flirting*

Me: Wow good for you! Thanks! (She totally doesn’t like me and if I say I like her it will probably ruin our friendship, she’s probably saying that to be nice and because I’m the only lesbian she knows. Yes. That’s what she meant.)

Random Friend: Yo that girl totally likes you this is your dream come true!

Me: What

Random Friend: You are such a useless gay
by Likitit July 17, 2018
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