The act of sitting on a female's lap, then passing gas; causing the vagina to fill with "hot air." To "deflate the balloon," the female must abruptly stand, causing a mucky, ass-polluted queef to issue forth from her crotch, most commonly directed toward the male's face.
Last night, when Sasha was reading on the couch, I totally snuck up on her and gave her a North Dakotan Hot Air Balloon.
by FrothyRothy June 1, 2010
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Person lies on their back, the woman straddles the face creating a seal between the labia and the mouth. the person on the bottom blows into the woman to "inflate" the uterus. The woman grabs two hand-fulls of hair (the basket) and holds on for the balloon ride.
"Dude, i was trying to give a 'hot air balloon ride' and I got a mouth full of blow back."
by Elrond Driscoll February 4, 2009
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When a male farts into his lover's mouth while pinching her nose shut right after she exhaled.
by tehaudistarr February 22, 2008
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An intricate manuever inspired by Eminem. This act is performed correctly when a man places a deflated balloon into the snatch of a horny babe and has her queef excessively until the elastic balloon is completely inflated. The man then inhales the fermented air into his lungs and belches the stench into the face of the woman.
That chick from Racine was into some kinky shit. Last night, she had my friend Dan do the Wisconsin Hot Air Balloon. Don't talk to him, he still hasn't brushed his teeth.
by Lord of Ballyhoo October 3, 2011
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A typical sight in Airforceproud95 videos, alongside other aircraft also going nearly at Mach 10.
"Is it possible to see a hot air balloon going Mach 10 IRL?"
"Nah fam."
by Unkanow April 15, 2020
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The act of farting in a girls pussy by wrapping her vagina lips around the asshole of a gassy friend.
After a night of eating too many sloppy joes and hearing constant bitching from his wife, Andrew finally agreed to give Sarah the South Jersey Hot Air Balloon Ride she always wanted.
by FlipDogBoy February 3, 2011
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