This phrase can be said by the other party when you mess/screw/fuck up very badly.
Based on a true story that happened to me:
*making out with girl at party*
Me: "you know you looking hella fine tonight Irina- OH SHIT I MEANT IRIS"
*girl exits room and leaves me alone in bed*

I literally got cockblocked by my shitty name memory
by spageeetti August 28, 2021
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Someone who throws things breaks things and screams like a little BITCH and slanders ons name threatens one to have bab things happen to their property family and life if you don't do what they DeAmanda Lots !if they don't get their way!!
That WHIGGER throw things at me Screamed at me like a little bitch just like " my kids do before I gave them Time outs and called me a Faggot if I didn't call hiss Bitch who don't Like" You a fucked up person! "People !!!!!
by B-RAG July 15, 2016
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you destroyed something very important, or fucked something up very bad.
dude.... you just fucked the puppy.
by canadasucks400 September 28, 2009
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n. the name for when one uses their middle finger, hence "Fuck You", to penetrate a vagina or an anus
Kelly and Sara took turns doing the "Fuck You" Finger Fuck to each other's vaginas.
by KP123KP September 20, 2011
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