A guy who is a complete fuckwit . Loud mouth, has a large crop of hair, and wears loud clothing.
Check out yahoo serious over there! How can anyone take him seriously
by timbo6969 January 3, 2017
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A site that everyone should encourage another corporation to create a similar competitor to because it has many flaws 1. stupid rules that can get you reported such as chatting with other users in a question 2. Idiots with no lives who report others for stupid things 3. Taking away of accounts unceremoniously without your knowing once you receive a few reports 5. shutting off the site to make stupid changes like way things look instead of correcting the above errors 6. Not limiting punishments to yahoo answers but taking away your entire account 7. not being more like youtube and letting everyone give a thumbs up or a thumbs down but rather allowing idiots to report for stupid reasons
That new website is such a yahoo answers.

I got rid of the website because it was so yahoo answers

That cheap website didn't last long because it turned into a yahoo answers
by Monroe Dubo August 4, 2008
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A shitty, fucked up website that everyone should complain to other internet corporations (such as Google or MSN) because Yahoo Answers deactivates entire Yahoo accounts based on the petty and foolish reports from other users they receive when using Yahoo Answers. There are a number of shitheads on Yahoo Answers that report people for reasons such as "use of curse words", "disagreed with the question!", "wasn't enough of a question! Too much of a rant!" Basically anyone who decides to report others on the website fits into a category of a shitheaded rat and when you make complaints out about it Yahoo Answers always rejects them because their too lazy to really look into the situation to find out how petty it actually is and just agrees with their silly reporters, making the people who run Yahoo Answers just as fucked up
2. Any completely messed up website that everyone should immediately make out a complaint about to another corporation and requests other corporations to create a replacement competitor to it
After using Yahoo Answers for my first time today, my Yahoo account I've had for fifteen years was deleted. I lost contact with the woman of my dreams and had no way of contacting a new job I had been hired to.

I'm going to go swarm Google, MSN, AOL, Askjeeves, etc., and every other internet search engine with a bunch of complaints about Yahoo and Yahoo Answers for the crap I received from them, deleting my account because a bunch of animal loving extremist thought I was being out of line when I spoke of how I put my dog in her crate whenever she does something wrong.

When Yahoo Answers deleted my brother's account WITHOUT WARNING after some stupid violation notices for use of the word "vagina" and "penis" in one of his questions and refused to reactivate it after e-mailing back and forth 30 or 40 times, I personally made out a complaint to Google to get rid of that shit and create something better.

I ended up getting an account with a different network once I found out Yahoo perpetuates the use of nonsense reporting by unwarranted deactivation of accounts, deletion of questions and answers and refusal to behave logically and reactivate them once they receive complaints about it.

Yahoo Answers should just be like Youtube and allow EVERYONE to vote a "thumbs down" or "thumbs up" for an answer, without allowing them to behave like children and run to the owners like children and tattle-tale because it's childish.

The idiots in charge of Yahoo Answers don't know enough to have a section called "Sexual Orientation". Rather they have a section called "LGBT" which throws everything off as "Transgendered People" have nothing to do with sexual orientation, serving only to perpetuate stereotypes about gay men.
by Andy Corvatte April 25, 2008
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A relatively decent site, unfortunately totally effed up by...

-trolls: the most famous Y!A troll? Phil J. He likes to post little "erotic" stories about his girlfriend doing a poop and peeing on him while he touches himself. But he seems to be getting popular actually! Others include Fizzdude and TROLLER, who deliberately post extra long answers to make you have to scroll down.

-Twilight-obsessed freaks. The kind that report you if you don't agree that Robert Pattinson is "OMG so super-duper hott like yeah dude". Sheesh.

-Top Reporters. hated by pretty much everyone. They are all probably middle aged virgins living in their mothers' basements.

*But, fortunately, there are loads of awesome people to compensate for all those losers. These people include:

The Joker, RJ, ohGr, Miss Fedora, In Joy and Sorrow, MirorSaw, Buk, Lucky, cc, jayjay, Sp!cy, Snookie, HRM, Velvet Kitten, gabe, British Much, The Punisher, Hypocrite, Michael, dazed, Radium Radiator, Hilda Matilda, des g, evil kaneevil, Bruce P, franz, champagne, IAN B, lynbop,JC and many, many more ( if I listed them all I would be here all day )
If you are bored or depressed, log onto the P&S section of Yahoo Answers. Someone there is bound to make you laugh.

Might even find me there!

by hellzbellz!123 April 26, 2009
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Yahoo! Answers is a site wherein only politically correct questions and answers that don't offend even the easiest people to offend are allowed and where if you aren't a slave to their anal retentive guidelines you are treated as an outcast and your account is eventually deleted.
The Yahoo! Answers staff need to pull their heads out of their butts because they delete questions and answers (and even accounts) without even paying much attention to whether they genuinely deserve to be deleted.
by D-Shiznit August 12, 2007
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its basically a site where you could put your deepest darkest secrets and thoughts and have people respond. Its a site where you could put your most embarrassing, personal thoughts that you wouldn't even tell to a psychiatrist!
I went on Yahoo Answers and secretly described and asked my thoughts about sex.
by tatomuck1 September 23, 2008
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Yahoo! Answers is a question & answer website run by Yahoo! with a specific point system unique to the site.

There are 7 different levels which are used to guage a person's usage of the site. About a year ago they actually meant something but now once you're at level 5 on the site you're as far as you can go.

There have been countless complaints directed at Yahoo! Answers and Yahoo! Customer Care for "wrongful violations" in which case trolls, spammers or personal haters would use the user-abuse-reporting tool excessively in which most cases they were automatically processed resulting in Q&A being taken down and even entire deletion of Yahoo! accounts. My personal advice from use of the site: don't use Answers and have your primary email on the same Yahoo! ID, bad idea.
Oh well, I just got kicked off Yahoo! Answers for the 20th time today, I'll just go and open a new account since I'm not IP banned.
by Sid Barrett September 11, 2007
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