Another fine Weapon of Mass Annoyance from the Osama Bin Gates terror cell.
Ready to forge an international coalition and call it Operation Infinite Folly: shock and awe Redmond with mass quantities of inconvenient error reports. I want to choke the bastard who thought of that one.
by The Great Cornholio January 6, 2004
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The Gift of Mountain Dew and Doritos to COD and Halo Players
Allen bought 20 bags of Doritos just for the double XP.
by DaSpaz9 November 5, 2014
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A simple yet complex OS, Microsoft has released on October 25, in year 2001. This OS seems to be a highly bloated system based off of the Windows 2000 Professional counterpart. One thing about the biggest difference is IT'S FISHER PRICE THEME .Once setup with proper drivers for display and Video card Non

Microsoft signed Drivers as of Microsoft's cheap drivers when the graphics are set first. You will experience this Luna (Default Blue) .msstyle is quite hideous. Most people seem to move back to Classic or the the Olive (Green) .msstyle or the Silver. Yet none of them seem, to kick it off right! I prefer Classic or Olive (Green) mmm Greeny!
Dude 1. I got Windows XP
Dude 2. Hm Luna blue Fisher Price theme is yo theme?
Dude 1. Well um Whoa?
Dude 2. Dude you can change the theme to Olive or Silver!
Dude 1 Really? huh show me!
Dude 2. Oh dear lord *shows him Olive and Silver*
Dude 1. Oh ya I like Olive (Green)
Dude 2. Ahh good now both our eyes can feel bit better and not make me wanna puke jelly beans!
by Shadow_Chooses_Olive_Homestead December 30, 2011
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A fairly good computer created by Microsoft. Just do defragmentations often, and erase all that porn. "Send error reports" can be annoying. Crashes very little if you keep it clean. Best yet of all computers.
Guy 1: Dude! I just cleaned my XP! It goes a billion times faster now!
by Keijiro H. November 13, 2004
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Points that are allocated when you do sexual acts.
Adam "Did you like that bird you shagged?"

Sam "Nah, i just did her to get my XP points up"
by Iqbalius March 5, 2010
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A shortened and slang term for Windows XP.
D: Oh noes! Win XP is sold out! NO I DON'T WANT VISTA!!!

by Luke-Eclipse June 15, 2008
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