When fucking a girl in the vagina, and you in one sly, dastardly, and courageous movement you remove the penis from the vagina, and instantly slip it into her asshole.

*note* unless the girl has a wide girth...this move should follow the spit prep
"so i totally burrow jumped this girl last night, she loved that shit."
by mr_jim February 7, 2010
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When speaking about the drug lean, it is used as telling how many ounces of lean you may pour. The reason for this is because of Joe Burrows number on his jersey.
Jayquan: I’m trying to get fucked up tonight!

Wocktavius: Let’s pour up a Joe Burrow of that Super Sludge in a fanta.
by vulxey June 24, 2023
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Different popular places in a state, for example Brooklyn is a burrow of New York as well as The Bronx.
"nah the burrows be really diff than eachother"
by whoknoooosss23 January 31, 2023
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laggy version of 'bro'
by BunHoney November 22, 2021
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The act of fingering your own belly button in the hopes of finding a lose trinket or entertaining item.
'Dude! I went belly button burrowing yesterday and found my old N64! So much nostalgia!'
by LordChicken88 May 25, 2015
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when an NFL football team and its idiot fans (they know who they are) get their hearts ripped out by the young assassin Bengals #9
lol. Don't cry Ravens fan, you thought you had a chance to win, but instead you got burrowed
by Nati47 April 22, 2022
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a tunnel in your pubic hairs created by a small, disgusting creature that you picked up in a fraternity.
"My multiple pubic burrows are really causing a damper on my love life. It's like a crab-farm down there."
by redis12 February 5, 2012
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