A town in Norcal, half an hour away from the city. Population is filled with rich preps, wanna-be-ghettos, pretty girls, or really good skateboarders. All the kids know how to have fun, including parties every night, alcohol for illegal age, joy riding, and tagging walls. Corey Duffel (pro skateboarder) is from w.c.
kids here
are all
gonna make it big!

Kids in Walnut Creek:
Skateboarders: "Dude, did you see what happened yesterday, I fucking fell and screwed up my arm"
Wanna-Be-Ghettos: "Damn. You looking fine babe. Wanna go have a party at my place?"
Preps: "Like, OMG, did you see the like look on her like face? It was totally funny. I took a picture with my $300 pink camera!"
Pretty Girls: "Ahahaha. Thats chill. I think we should hang sometime, you in?"
by elliisthebomb November 20, 2007
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When you want to masturbate but for some reason you are unable to so you just have a little play or "whip".

Your girlfriend may be next door or you may need to leave the house in the next 5 minutes.
Alright mate, have you had a wank today?

No, but I've had a couple of walnut whips.
by tomtomabdiwali September 21, 2014
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When two people press their butts up tight against eachother and poop at the same time. Usually stimulates some sort of sexual arousal.
Person 1: What did you do after the movies last night?
Person 2: I took my girl home and we did a Dirty Walnut until we both passed out.
by IndianStranger July 27, 2016
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A dumb asshole who is ignorant and whose stupidity cannot be defined other than a non-moving, non-thinking, redneck plant offspring.
"lol you cut yourself for followers on instagram."
"Goodbye America, hello New York!"
These people are uncultured walnuts.
by A Cultured Walnut January 29, 2014
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A wealthy suburb east of oakland with a wierd scene. Uppity San Ramon and Lafayette shoppers flock to it by day, and Concord ghettos flock to it by night. WC tries so hard to be cool, but fails because it lacks true sophistication or class. If Berkeley is Chez Panisse, WC is the Cheesecake Factory of cities.
Walnut Creek is the dad-joke of the Bay Area.
by Eastbaychav August 15, 2021
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Bob was having trouble peeing and, after a physical showed high PSA levels, his doc broke the news. “you have prostate cancer but it’s very treatable.” Bob went home and told wife Barb about his faulty walnut.
by Uncle Joosie March 23, 2022
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A day when the ball sack is shriveled up, resembling a walnut shell
I woke the other morning and thought to myself, shit its going to be a 'walnut day', as my bollocks were shriveled up like a walnut shell.......... having a wrist twist(wank) makes it worse.....
by PJ DJ August 19, 2009
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