A person being such a large douche the word "douche bag" does not do them justice. This, however, is not nearly as large as a douche silo.
Man, he is being an extreme douche today! Like a douche wagon!
by Mrs strawberry shortcake November 10, 2011
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Small bikini-type underwear, or a thong, for well endowed men. Similar to a banana hammock, but bigger
He could barely stuff his junk into that potato wagon
by Miss Sara and Godfrey January 21, 2019
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Electric wheelchair provided by supermarkets and theme parks, used by people who are not actually disabled, just horribly and grossly fat.
I can't be bothered to walk around DisneyLand all day, I'm going to hire a fat wagon.
by LHP September 22, 2009
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Deciding to binge watch a show that everyone is talking about.
I've seen a few episodes of Game of Thrones, but I haven't jumped on the binge wagon yet.
by saxgoplayer September 20, 2018
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The ambulance waiting in the wings at sporting events to whisk concussed, paralyzed, and otherwise incapacitated gladiators off to the hospital, which is the first stop of the rest of their lives of long, slow mental and physical deterioration.
"How many meathead wagons were should we schedule for this weekend's football game?" - Coach #1

"Ah, fifteen oughta do it." - Coach #2

"Hey, great thing the 90% of the school's extracurricular budget is for the football program." - Coach #1

"Yeah, no doubt. Just a matter of time before the library and chorus money gets sent our way, too." - Coach #2
by TrE33333 November 20, 2010
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