A man's junk, sometimes referred to as my pound of bacon.
Ella: "You know I'm expecting some of your bacon when I come over tomorrow!"
Mojo: "I gots a pound waitin for ya"
Ella: "What can I say, I want lots of your meaty stash"
by Polar Eclipse May 8, 2015
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To "Eat the Meaties" is an affectionate form of vernacular around eating your ladies tender parts (meat curtains) after she's had an exceptionally long absence of such a release. It is rarely met with scorn or disdain as it represent a perfect opportunity for both a sexual act and simultaneous release of pent up frustration. A synonym for cunnilingus and a playful pun on the cereal tagline "Eat your Wheaties." It's clever and women know precisely what it means.
"I'm going to eat the meaties this weekend."

"I wish he we would step up and eat the meaties."

"Better eat you meaties."
by Kazansky2005 February 12, 2020
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A name referring to a woman who is known around for giving lots of oral sex.
Damn, that bitch got straight up meaty mouth.
by Mundskipp March 31, 2023
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An enigma of a man

He is the type of guy to say he isn't gonna blackout but then not remember anything after 11:30pm
He is the type of guy to to only eat meat

Type of guy to say all women suck but then constantly be on tinder
Mr. Meaty man, you can't trust him
That guy is crazy at parties, totally a mr. meaty
by theneonicon April 8, 2021
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The aftermath of a nightlong sexual encounter with a yeast infected vagina
Even though I knew I'd have a Meaty Mancotti there was no resisting a crack at that pussy
by anklespankspermbank September 25, 2009
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I ran out of lub so I use the big meaty
by IM NOT TEX February 5, 2018
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