Michael Jackson Haters
People who have something against Michael Jackson because they're jealous and they only listen to The Media, which only tells lies..
They spend their time going to places filled with MJ Lovers (opposie of MJ Haters, obviously) and insulting, punning, disrespecting Michael just to piss them off..
They have terrible grammar and can't spell worth a damn..
They have no life and places they go to rant about Michael and look stupid are:
Yahoo! Answers - The Celebrity Section
Any YouTube video that's filled with MJ love
Any place that talks positively and truthfully about Michael Jackson
MJ Lover: Hey, everyone that's an MJ fan.. I just uploaded a tribute to Michael on YouTube.. Go check it out!!

MJ Haters: Michael Jackson?? The white woman?? HAHAHA.. You guys are losers.. NO ONE LIKES MICAL JACKSON!!!!

MJ Lovers: *gangs up on the MJ Haters and beats the crap outta them* Oh really?? No one likes MJ.. you're all ill-minded creeps!! Go get a life!!
by MissCherie August 12, 2009
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Mj classic: When you snowball someone off a bridge or bully them with snowballs ;-;
Omg I just mj classic-ed this person off a bridge
by Unknown37364 October 24, 2020
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A person who hates you for rumors and untrue statements and refuses to find out or except the REAL truth.
Guy 1:So she hates you because she heard you slapped her best friend?

Guy 2:Yeah! and Every time I try to tell her she ignores me and disses me!

Guy 1:man,She jus' MJ Hatering
by Genious Youthly March 29, 2011
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Being so awesome you amaze yourself.
Johnny gave his teacher an MJ shrug after he got an A on his Trig test.

Ryan hit the game winning shot and turned to his coach and gave him a MJ shrug.
by PESwag December 2, 2011
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When a person such as Mj, will refuse to play with the boys and would rather call a girl for hours on end.
Justin: "Lets play GTA V later tonight"
Mj: "Nah not today, just sayin"
Peter: "Mj moment right here"
by wife beater 9000 June 27, 2021
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A situation that is really nothing, but, is blown way out of proportion by other people.
I Accidentally lost a dollar my girlfriend gave me, now she thinks i gave it to some other women thats all part of some conspiracy shit. She made this little thing a whole MJ case!
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When receiving oral from a black girl/guy, pull out and cum on their face. You will see that, like Michael Jackson(from Indiana), they will go from black to white.
"Dude, last night, I gave my girl an Indiana MJ!"
by MolesterStallone September 15, 2017
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