a Philosophical view and lifestyle comonly associated with Latino culture this is apparent in murals tatoos and latin art that can be found in the Los angeles area and california,
"the Joker is always smilling no matter if the card is faced down, when your cards are played and it looks as though u are losing the game remember this."
"laugh now cry later."
this philosophy encourages the act of appearing happy or somewhat not troubled as this term orriginated in the East LA barrio's where gang life is apparent as with troubles braught uppon by this sort of situation.
orale ese the joker is smilling at you man. meaning he has good luck
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A person that plays jokes/teases others, usually the most gullible.
he's such a joker (he was just joking)
by Billy Jhonson July 9, 2014
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A gang in the Tampa area that has recently been growing. Started back in June of 2010 this gang has attracted many members due to its new status. The gang is not an ethnic group gang, as it consists of blacks, whites, and hispanics.Same as any street gang, they sell a variety of illegal drugs and participate in vandalism and other acts of recklessness. Their color is kelly green, or regular green for those who are not specific on colors. Ways to identify a Joker have not all been gathered, but many have noticed they carry the green bandana and trichecker their laces with green, purple, and black. To checker the laces in their fashion is unknown and most likely a gang secret.
Guy1: Hey bro is that guy over there have a green bandana in his back pocket?
Guy2: DUDE you're right. Does he have those checkered laces?
Guy1: I don't know man let's try to get a different view
Guy2: He's got the laces, and so do those other people next to him. BRO that's like 7 Jokers over there!
Guy1: Lets get outta here bro I don't wanna get in trouble
Guy2: Yea man let's split
by CloverJoker September 21, 2010
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a drink created by me and my degenerate friends. it consists of 1/3 bacardi 151, 1/3 wild turkey 101 proof, and red bull. order this at a bar and depending on your weight u should be blacked out within 3 to 5 drinks.
I had one too many jokers last night that i ended up waking up next to two of the fatest girls i have ever seen in my life. the joker ruined my life
by master p 397 February 24, 2009
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When you eat out a girl while she is on her period. You come up with "joker" lips.
JACK: "heyyy r u on ur period?"
SHITHEAD: "umm.. yeah?"
JACK: "lets do the joker"
SHITHEAD: "aight"
by gpam June 26, 2011
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While having sex, the woman says in her most cum hungry voice "go on my face". As his eyes close in euphoria and he busts his nut, she cups it in her hands. As soon as he opens his eyes, she chucks it all over his mouth (to resemble jokers scars) and starts laughing hysterically. When he looks at her all confused and angry, she says "why so serious?", then walks away.
(can also be used for men, but intended for women).
hey man, your dad called me last night, so i went over to his place and i gave him a joker ... hope we're still cool.
by tina karenina August 15, 2008
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someone that is or does something stupid. a mild insult.
"omg! did you see that joker!"

"what you lying for you joker!"

by triky July 28, 2006
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