Someone who thinks they are better than everyone else just because they have an iPhone. They usually try to remind people that they have an iPhone but other people do not.
Sarah: Do you ever talk to Zach anymore?
Alex: Nah, he is such an iPhone snob. It's like he thinks he is better than everyone else.
Sarah: What a douche.
by zmar328 June 13, 2011
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A hypocritical person who claims to be "spiritual" and believes him/herself to have the best beliefs while looking down on others for believing in traditional religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. Because they choose to mix and match or even make up their own beliefs, spirituality snobs tend to be egotistic or narcissistic. A spirituality snob is very condescending and claims that everyone else is judgmental when in fact he or she is the most judgmental person in the room.
When will that spirituality snob shut up about how she claims she is so much better than anybody else?
by Major Madcat July 15, 2019
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A man who refuses to sleep with his partner when she's on the rag

You're such a blob snob, don't you know I'm horny!!!
by The Spike February 22, 2007
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typically a university student, who refuses to settle for the supermarket value noodles and only eat the more expensive and 'better quality' varieties, desspite there being little or no difference between both products.
Dude what sort of noodles ya cookin'?

Mild Curry flavour, bachelor's of course!

Oh your such a noodle snob!

by BigBadBurny March 6, 2009
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A person who feels entitled to only the very highest-end dildos that are so costly that the average person could not possibly afford one.
Being a 1 percenter means I can afford to be a total dildo snob and that my ultra-superior total body orgasms are brought on by the very best dildos on the planet!
by Dr Bunnygirl June 14, 2021
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Someone who believes they are above their current social as well as their current economic conditions. They may or may not reside in a mobile home and are just as likely to be found sleeping on their friends couch. They choose to spend their hard earned money on things like cars, race cars, vacations, clothes, and salon visits instead of improving their own standard of living. They like to "put on a show" when it comes to celebrations such as bridal showers, weddings, baby showers, baptisms, birthday parties, and family reunions even when it may be their second or third such event. They take out loans and mismanage their money to finance such endeavors. They are the first to hand out advice regarding any money or relationship matter whether it is solicited or not and often are not in such a position that their advice would be welcome. They tend to have their "head in the sand" when it comes to their own relationship and money matters. They rarely can see their own circumstances clearly but are quick to offer their "two cents" on the circumstances of others. They seldom are happy for milestones reached by friends or family and instead try to outshine or rain on the parade of others. They seldom take any responsibility for their role in any conflict and instead try to defend their actions by placing blame on others. They like to be seen as the victim in every potentially negative situation and are quick to rally for support. They are constantly looking for approval from others and to be seen as "OK". They tend to be gossipers and have no boundaries as to who they are gossiping about. They often fish to see what they can gossip about next by saying they "can't believe" or "it might not be my place to say, but..." They tend to have alot of aquaintences but few true friends. Many times they are merely put up with due to the friendships and relationships of their spouse(s) and family members.
Kay always looks so put together, too bad she's really only a "Trailer Snob".
by BuffaloBaby May 30, 2009
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A form of Music Snob that believes metal is the only music worth listening to, and that he/she was the first to ever know of it. Usually busy spending their time arguing about what is metal and what is not, and why their taste in music is better than yours.
Jim just said I don't listen to true metal, what a metal snob.
by Cal Gore November 23, 2004
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