Shit Stick Is a GREAT name for your "X"
ex: You are a shit stick.
You are Shit and I am the stick.....Watch as I flick you from my life! TA TA SHIT STICK!!!!
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A person who is very thin, bordering on anorexic and who cannot control themselves, talking shit at every possible moment. Other can qualities include homosexuality, stupidity, tightness (being a jew).
That shit stick just wont shut up with his crap jokes.

Shit stick over there keeps kicking me in the shins. fucking tightarse...
by Sven S September 22, 2005
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Someone or something used to cause trouble
I am gonna get out my big shit stick and really stir things up.
by cornhole 73 August 9, 2011
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Rigid Shit Sticks:

1) when you are deadleg shit shuffling to the toilet and feel your bowels starting to leak through your asshole, you stand a locking all joints in both legs, waiting for that Mondo dook the bubble is way backed up into your lower intestines until you get to the toilet

2) natural reaction of luberal dimocunt letfist assholes whenever they piss and moan about inconsequential bullshit like gun control, only to be rebuked by facts and logic from Trump supporters, and having no natural logical counter argument they revert to playing the race card, only realize that they played that fucking violin solo for so long it's now in the public domain!
I love watching all the letfist, luberal, dimocunt Rigid Shit Sticks that occur when they get called out on their bullshit
by Mjolnir12982 February 28, 2018
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When the shit hits the fan, only a lot worse. Think about it; if you throw shit at a fan, the worst thing that will happen is shit will go everywhere. If you throw shit at a lion, it's going to chase your ass.
AS: man, if I don't get this project finished, the shit's going to hit the fan
JT: that's nothing, I'm wearing my girlfriend's underwear; if she finds out, the shit's going to stick to the lion

2. where you going to be when the shit sticks to the lion?!
by twotoTandy March 26, 2008
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Strong expression that relays a sense of suprise and even panic at times. Not to be confused with i'll have a shit on a stick please.
by ShoesRBad March 22, 2003
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