To "shake" is when a community owner abandons his community randomly and informally.
Person I: "Hey dude, did you hear about *insert community here*'s owner?
Person II: "Yeah, he did a shake with his community."
Person I: "Dude, what an asshole.."
Person II: "Agreed.."
by Watermelon (Vend) December 5, 2018
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Also a term used to refer to straggling girls walking out of a bar at closing time.
Well, we didn't find any trim tonight so we had to go trolling for shake out side the college bar at 3 a.m.
by Doombot October 20, 2003
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A combination of the words "fake" and "shit". Someone who is shake is "fake as shit".
"Lauren is so shake. She didn't even invite us to Moe's.
by JRMac October 4, 2013
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"hey man, brookes boobs are hugeee!!!!"
"I know, lets giv em' boobs a shake."
by bigusdikus May 27, 2006
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alternately, in the 70s and 80s California Bay Area, dried marijuana leaves were known as shake.
Jimmy:"hey man, I got a bag of weed"
Joran: "groovy man, is it bud or SHAKE?"
by shiatbiatch September 10, 2010
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The uncontrollable need to move your body to music.
Shake Shake Shake baby, you better give in to this rhythm.

You're fidgety, are you suppressing a Shake Shake Shake?

Is your body petrified, or do you have a magical power over your Shake Shake Shake?
by dedansers June 13, 2018
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An exclamation to describe something that is undeniably awesome.
Jeremy: Dude, i just found a roommate and an apartment that only costs $295 a month!

Rachael: Wow, that's shakes!
by Apathetic Lover February 9, 2010
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