Your body's natural defense against stupid.
You walk into a hospital room where your friend is on a bed with his left leg, no arms, and only half of his prick. You say,"How ya doin, man?"
He says,"Oh, just great. I feel better than ever. I could just hop all around the world, I feel so great."
You say,"Really? That's some great news."

See, this isn't your friend trying to make you look stupid, which if you said one or both of these things, you might be, it was his immune system acting due to the high levels of stupidity being taken into his brain. It automatically responded with sarcasm. So don't take it personaly.
by Big Jew February 23, 2007
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A term used to show what you have just posted is to be read aloud in a sarcastic tone. Comes from javascript or whatever it's called.
Yes, because you're the only one who knows how this shit works, aren't you /sarcasm
by Gumba Gumba April 5, 2004
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Bodys Natural Response Against stupid.
Stupid:sarcasm is a gay way of insulting.

Me:You're just too intelligent for it.

Stupid: Of course i am.

Me:I was being sarcastic, douchefuck..
by The Bon and only September 24, 2008
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explosively sarcastic; generally denoting sarcasm that has been building and kept inside and is suddenly released in a shower of rudeness (sarcastic + orgasmic)
Steve couldn't hold it in anymore when Jessica kept talking about her new clothes...he was so sarcasmic she ran away crying.
by jeffpk April 14, 2006
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The best language for someone who asks stupid questions, someone who states the obvious or generally, a dumbass
Dr. House speaks sarcasm

I speak two languages: english and sarcasm
by J'adore UD November 2, 2009
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Jeffree Star is obviously the most gorgeous woman ever. /sarcasm

which means:
Jeffree Star is obviously the most gorgeous woman ever. -end sarcasm-
by Nicole. October 6, 2006
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When one says something, but usually means the opposite.
Used sometimes in order to belittle someone and make them seem retarded... or equally to amuse and impress them with your mind. Indeed.

Betty: June hi! how are you today?
June: Menstral cycle - it's like I got a fire and ice show going off in my lower regions. It's fantastic.
Betty: Owh, doesn't sound it!
June: Umm... sarcasm?
Betty: No I'm not being sarcastic, it really doesn't sound it!
June: *slaps head*
by Hannah Forster May 21, 2007
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