A way of calling "shotgun" in a car, calling the front seat and sending everyone else to the back.
Derek: Shotgun!
Quinn: Rosa Parks suckah, get your ass out back.
by Foxy Grandpa April 12, 2005
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When, in a large group of friends or at a crowded event,you unvoluntarily are pushed to the back of your group, much like the blacks did when they rode buses.
Jen: Ok everyone! Gather around for a group of scene pics!
Liz: Ok,let's all get together!
*Pushes and Shoves People*
Sarah: Woah, Woah, Woah! Why am I in the back!?
Jen: OhMyGawd! Shut the fuck up and just get in the pic! My straightners about to burn down the house!
Sarah: Dude....I just got Rosa Park'd.
by Sarah McNasty February 19, 2009
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Specifically, parking in a spot that is off limits to you.

Also, parking in a metered spot and refusing to pay, parking in a spot with a stated time limit and grossly exceeding it, parking in a spot too small or large for your vehicle, taking up two (or more) spots.

Finally, parking in a place that is not designated for parking.
"Damn, this Wal*Mart lot's all full except for the handicap spot... that's just not fair. It's time for some Rosa Parking."

"Dude, must've been a woman Rosa Parking that Escalade square over the line."

Neil Armstrong to Buzz Aldrin: "What the hell is this Geo Metro doing on the moon?"
Buzz Aldrin: "oh that bitch is certainly Rosa Parking!"
by Duncan McQueirter December 14, 2010
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A girl who likes every boy she see's.She hates people named Jameal and somthines can be very angry because she doesent have enough makeup on to cover her bushy eyebrows.Mostly a mexican name.her dad might be black and her mom mexican and a different background for grandparents..so basically she is a mut..If u like very hairy dogs and hate a Jameal then u r in luck....
Nick I:that girl over there...the hairy one...I can tell by her mutness that she is a rosa...
by Nick I July 25, 2009
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Parking in a space that is in the back of a parking lot, either by choice or by necessity when all of the spaces up front are taken.
Tyrone doesn't want his M&M's Crown Vic to get dinged, so he's Rosa Parking it at the mall
by zkain74 July 14, 2019
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When a person steals your rightful, assigned, or favorite seat.
Wow! Dude, get out of my favorite chair, you Rosa Parked me!
by rockntubakid January 7, 2010
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the most badass woman you’ll ever see, she’s a bisexual queen, and everyone wants her to do something to them.
rosa: what kind of woman doesn’t have an axe?

my parents: who’s that girl on the tv?

me: that’s the rosa diaz!
by nineninethings January 27, 2019
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