A term used to define a gamer who plays FPS games and reloads their gun constantly. The gamer may reload after every kill, or reload just to keep a full mag.
Call of Duty Player 1: Why do you reload after every kill?
Call of Duty Player 2: I have Obsessive Compulsive Reloader (OCR)
by dukezap1 January 2, 2014
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A Rhode Island Reload is when a man ejaculates inside a women’s mouth following oral sex. While the women still has the ejaculate still in her mouth, the two proceed to make out reloading the ejaculate into the man’s body
Dude, Thomas was telling me about an amazing Rhode Island Reload he got last night.
by Kendall’s Men March 18, 2019
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A Gears of War term used to describe a player that only uses the sniper to down people with active reload and can't get any good headshots.
That damn Locust is such an active reload whore, I haven't seen him get a headshot in this entire game.
by BaD x Killah June 11, 2008
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1) The act of chugging a beer or other beverage and then replacing it with a brand new icy cold one.

2) Often brought up when someone has been nursing a beer for a long period of time.
1) Vern: "Time to suck back and reload, 3..2…1…GO!!"

Glug Glug Glug

followed by the opening of a brand new beer

2) Tyler: "Nick, quit being such a pussy. It's time to suck back and reload."
by Tyler Steele Welygan January 15, 2009
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Sequal to conker's bad fur day. Teminator like story with the tedis being the machines and the sqrills (can't spell today :)!) as the humans... is debatable as whether or not it will actually be better than Halo 2
Conker's live and reloaded looks so awesome
by chrisguy September 27, 2004
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inserting the penis in the vagina and the anus repeatedly during a session of sexual intercourse.
I gave her a Matrix Reloaded when i pounded her pink and her stink.
by reed January 24, 2004
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In a first person shooter game when someone kills someone else because they had to reload.
Wow, thats not fair you caught me on the reload!
by Eugene Smearknov June 29, 2009
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