1. Someone who is completely worthless. An ankle-biting, washed-up rat bastard you'd rather see tied to the back of a car and driven through the fast line than anywhere else.

2. Somebody so stupid it's painful to those around them.
1. "That stupid prick sits on my fucking couch all day eating puffed cheesers and scratching his ass."

2. "Damned prick couldn't even understand an I Can Read book."
by Raeme May 15, 2003
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your ex-boyfriend who is so selfish and self-centered he doesn't care who he hurts nor does he possess the mental capacity to realize when he is being an insenstive bastard
what a prick. he's not worth his weight in dog do-do. he should go to hell.
by vetfik February 12, 2008
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1. a penis
2. complete asshole
3. a small cut
It's OK to prick your finger, just don't finger your prick.
by Kelli_H September 11, 2008
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a person who cares about themselves, and ONLY about themselves. a person who loves to play people, and doesn't feel even the tiniest bit bad about it when they break hearts. very manipulative. someone who just wants to get some, and will date multiple people at once. someone who will try to take someone's virginity by telling them they mean the world to them and that they like them so much, then plans to leave them after the deed is done. a worthless, lying, two faced, cheating sack of shit you don't even want to look at cause it makes you sick to your stomach.
a true prick: asher (the drug addict "mac") pshh.
by !!!(: September 23, 2009
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- A word that can describe a penis
- An ungrateful piece of shit of a person
"that guy had the ugliest prick on that porn we just rented. It looked like it had a dog leg left.."

"what a prick....he just ate my bagle bite"
by Clive_ August 30, 2005
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