The only reason I have not yet gone insane.
Person: You like Harry Potter?

Me: Always.

If you have read/watched these, you will know what I mean.
by accio-always May 14, 2019
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In his Hogwarts years he was close friends with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew also known as 'The Marauders', creators of the Marauders Map. In his 5th year at Hogwarts he, Sirius and Peter learned how to become animagus (very advanced magic) in order to accompany Remus on the night of the full moon when he transformed into a werewolf. Potter took the form of a large stag and aquired the nickname 'Prongs' while the others aquired diffrent nicknames to fit their animal of transformation; Sirius became Padfoot, Remus became Moony and Peter became Wormtail.

While in school he was a CHASER not a seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team and was a known trouble maker who enjoyed picking on a slytherin by the name of Severus Snape who they later dubbed Snivellus and Trying to make passes on classmate Lily Evan who until their 7th year at Hogwarts ignored and disliked James. Potter also had a habbit of messing up his already messy hair to give it that 'just-off-the-brook look'

He ended up marrying his red-headed classmate Lily Evans and together they had a son, Harry James Potter. James appointed his best friend, Sirius Black, yong Harry's godfather.
James (who was other wise un-employed) and Lily were both active members of the Firts Order of the Pheonix so naturally they were prime targets for Voldemort so they went into hiding. After preforming a Fedilus Charm on their home in Godrics Hallow they appointed Sirius Black their secret keeper but at the last moment Black suggested they use Peter as secret keeper because Voldemort would never expect it. So under Black's advice Peter became secret keeper, little did the Potters know Pettigrew was working for Voldemort so no more than a week after the charm was cast Pettigrew sold out the Potter's. On Halloween(1981)night when Harry was but one Voldemort invaded the hidden home and killed both elder Potters. James died trying to protect his wife and son.
Poor chap pulled a James Potter. He died for his family.
by Andria. August 25, 2007
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The Brandon Potter is a facial expression often used to represent mild to moderate dissatisfaction. Similar to an expression of anger, the eyebrows are slightly elevated, the nose is crinkled and sometimes a frown is used.
Grant: Dude, did you see that guy?
Brastin: Yeah, he was giving The Brandon Potter to everyone.
by Mootss September 21, 2010
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Harry Potter is a best-selling book series by critically acclaimed author J.K Rowling. Though many view the Harry Potter series as a "children's series", it goes for all ages.
450 million Harry Potter books have been sold worldwide.
by Banana Phancakes January 7, 2016
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Idiot: dude Harry Potter sux
Sensible human: I say, you seem highly uneducated my dear chum.
Idiot: I'm gonna get drunk and drive home with my shot gun
by vincerella November 7, 2015
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A reporter for Australia's Network Ten (no joke).
"...Harry Potter, Ten news".
by Dan November 25, 2003
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A band composed of brothers Paul and Joe, from a town near Boston in Massachusetts. Dedicated to the Harry Potter novels by J K Rowling, the boys formed a rock n' roll band that promotes literacy AND kicks ass. They rock libraries across the nation and write the best songs that could ever possibly be written about playing chess and saving your best friend's sister. Their website is:
Singing along with a Harry and the Potters song, she droned, "Because I'd rather not talk about your dead. Ex. Boyfriends over coffee."
by Alex November 28, 2004
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