Fat ass who rolls in your crib, eats all your food and takes their stumbling ass somewhere else.
Damn yo, jermaine is such a rolly polly, he ate half the fridge and went to Herman's.
by chi-chi123 June 3, 2005
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The oldest Cooper sister in Riverdale, and the leader of a cult.
Person: do you think it will be revealed that polly cooper is the leader of a cult in season 3?
Me: definitely!!
by someone19383 September 30, 2018
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A drink consisting of 1 shot of white, 1 shot of spiced rum, 1/2 glass of green tea iced tea, and 1/2 glass of 7up. It tastes like a cream sickle, but with alcohol.
"Hey dude mix me up a swiss polly and let's party!"
by Theonespanish May 18, 2014
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Stop being a Polly James and let me go out on Saturday, mum!!

OMG. Leave me alone. I'm just having fun. Why can't you leave me to it?!
by cardiff_gal January 23, 2019
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that horrible grass that cuts your legs when you run through it. With some varities it cuts you when you slid your finger on it wrong or even walk through it.
guy 1 - Dude! did you attacked by a gang! look at your legs!
guy 2 - No bro - pollie weed
guy 1 - Oh. even worse.
by Winkelchick101 June 5, 2011
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Polly-ann is the best most amazing person you could meet. She is beautiful, kind, caring everything you could want in a person!!! (She is also my girlfriend, I wrote this for her)
Polly-ann is beautiful!!!
by Actually give me this name September 27, 2020
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Someone who thinks they are hard due to the fact they smoke weed. There is alot of polly heads in Runcorn Town
"Lad you are a proper polly head you. Think smoking weed makes you jason statham or something"
by L1AM TULL ¥ August 2, 2016
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