noun - 1. Often Disparaging and Offensive. a person from a backwoods or other remote area, esp. from the mountains of the northwestern U.S.
There are lots of palins buying bulk at costco.
by goingnowhere September 5, 2008
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1. when you say something and then you say something else that is a contraction to it.
2. When you say something incredibly stupid that u don't even believe.
Gov. Palin "I know Global Warming is man made"
resident watching the debate "there she goes again, she pulled a Palin! Well they don't call it a Palin for nothing!"
by Yardle October 21, 2008
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confused and unable to focus on subjects, or direct questions, etc.; can be brought on by a night of drunken craziness or vice presidential nomination.
“We partied like rockstars last night, and I’m totally palin today. I don’t even know where I am!”

“Did you hear him? He’s always so palin! I asked about our retirement plan and he started discussing the dress code.”
by clong27 October 3, 2008
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An inexperienced, mildly retarded, down syndrome sprouting, first amendment abolishing, creationism enforcing, wolf and wildlife killing woman who doesn't know "What is it exactly that a VP does every day?"
I'd bang Palin, but I sure as hell don't want that bitch running my country.
by Brandon Dean McCann September 22, 2008
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When someone answers a question without any form of intelligence or foresight. In an attempt to divert from giving a correct answer and in the process sounding unintelligible.
"Hey mat, have you seen my 50 dollars I left on the counter?"
"Well Tia, im not going to answer that question the way you want me to , but doggonit, I betcha, if we put our heads together we can come to some conclusion as to why money is even green to begin with."
"Mat , do me a favor and don't Palinize me!
by Atia Breen November 6, 2008
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1. To flub, fail or otherwise stumble in response to simple, predictable questions in an interview; to give an off-topic and incoherent or syntactically suspect response to a simple, pre-dictable question in an interview; to do likewise in any other human endeavor. 2. To fabricate an untruth, that is easily verifiable as such, in response to a question for which one does not know the answer.
Katie asked Sarah what newspapers she read but Sarah totally palined and said "Entertainment Tonight!"
by oh-geek October 9, 2008
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"Billy Joel and I have rehearsed a little, but you have to consider this more like the vice presidential debate: you have to Palinize your expectations" - Bruce Springsteen
by svsteve October 25, 2008
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