A man who always gets screwed by a chick but never gets laid.
Dude #1: Damn, Cynthia went out to dinner with me, talked about her problems, then got back with her crappy ex.
Dude #2: Thats what you get for being a nice guy: Always screwed, never laid.
by Justin The Box October 20, 2007
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So called "nice guys" have major entitlement issues and more often than not are socially incompetent, unattractive and/or fat, clingy and manipulative young males (teens/early 20s) who forever cry and whine about how girls* won't give them a chance and often "friendzone" them because they prefer to date more confident and attractive men instead. They portray themselves and their plight as genuine and woe-is-me, but more often then not they are manipulative and passive-aggressive. The "nice" part of "nice guy" is a misnomer as they are not actually nice, they are putting on an act to get laid.

To all "nice guys" - get over it. Why should an attractive extroverted female date an unattractive introverted so-called "nice guy" just because he happens to have a penis? You're not compatible with eachother! What's wrong with other nerd girls?

*9/10 times "nice guys" target only attractive, incompatible women, part of the reason why their plight is laughable and not to be taken seriously.
Nice guy: Wahhh. Jenna won't be my girlfriend or have sex with me because she's a shallow whore who only likes jerk assholes with washboard abs. She doesn't appreciate nice guys like me! I'm ENTITLED to a hot girl because I'm nice and have a penis, damn it.

Girl: Umm, ever thought of trying to date someone in your own fucking league for a change?


Any attractive girl with a decent dose of self-esteem will avoid passive aggressive "nice guys" and won't date down. There's absolutely nothing wrong with dating physically attractive men who are confident, they don't have baggage issues and you don't have to hold yourself back from vomiting when you're having sex with them either!
by AFemalePerspective December 11, 2012
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A guy that ultimately could satisfy the sexual needs of women if they were given a chance. women want nice guys but go for the assholes because women are hipocritical and shallow and couldn't even give the nice guys a sympathy fuck.
i was driving my friend and 3 girls around. my friend got action, and the 2 girls did each other while i got nothing and continued to be a taxi driver. true story.

i wish i wasn't a nice guy maybe i would get laid at least once.
by killioughtta December 4, 2005
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The kind of guy who would always be there for a girl, and would never let her down, cheat on her, treat her like shit, etc. The kind of guy that will actually listen to a girl and her problems, and try to help her. And most of these guys, despite the stereotype, still do stand up for themselves, will NOT let someone push them around, and are NOT wimps.

It would seem that girls would race for these kind of guys, but since physical attraction is in truth, just as important to most women as it is to most men, most girls just go for the guy closest to them who acts "tough" and masculine" and is handsome, and will totally ignore the nice guy. And then they'll complain to the nice guy about how they got cheated on and treated like shit, and ask why. Not all girls are like this, but the vast majority, like guys, never dig deeper than the surface and cling on to what they consider "masculine" and go for it.
Nice guy (let's call him N): Hi, I'm always here to help you.
Jerk (let's call him J): Hey sexy, I can beat up any fucker that messes with me!
Blind (mentally, not physically, and let's call her B) girl: Oooh! Hey, J! That is sooooo sexy!
J: Tight. Let's get wild.

---two days later-----
N: So what exactly happened to you?
B: *sniff* he cheated on me, and then called me a stubborn bitch!
N: Awww, that jerk. Well don't worry, you can always talk to me.
B: thank you *sniff*
N: So do you want to hang out sometime?
B: Sorry I got a date with this other guy, who is really hot, and-
N: Oh great, thanks for returning the favor.
B: Anytime! Bye!
N: Wait a minute! Oh shit, she hung up.

***Girls, please give nice guys a chance, or this scenario will keep happening!!!****
by MrCuddles November 26, 2006
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A term that a mother uses to describe any single man she approves of and fantasizes about her daughter marrying, but for whom the daughter usually claims to have zero interest in *that* way.

A man labelled a "nice guy" is often a superficially respectful and intelligent, but also frustratingly indecisive or cowardly person who won't get the aforementioned girl because he won't initiate or ask.

Sometimes, the girl dislikes him and finds him boring because he always plays his life safe and fails to go out and accomplish anything interesting with it. (This is why the mother likes him.)

Other times, he is a friend of the girl and desires a relationship with someone, but fails to consider the obvious candidate. (This is the most cliched of romantic-comedy cliches).
Mother: "That guy who dropped you off home seemed like a nice guy."

Girl: "Yeah, I guess."
by fatbloke27 April 23, 2012
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Living proof that human evolution has yet to progress to the point where the female's genes have been reprogrammed to finally ignore the primitive and obsolete alpha male and expand their sexual relations to the more intelligent and advanced beta male. This is why 21st century women are still compelled to be sexually attracted to aggressive assholes who treat them like crap instead of reserved guys who treat them with dignity and respect, e.g. nice guys. As a result, nice guys are normally single because women are naturally repelled by them.
Women like nice guys, but won't date them.
by DeskFlyer August 25, 2007
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A guy who always gets the short end of the stick and "finishes" last and is often overlooked by women and never really appreciated by the woman of his interest, no matter what he does. Women don’t often think of him as being much more than just a good friend; they only rely on him to listen to their problems or to hang out with, but would never consider dating him. He has a hard time getting a girlfriend because, God forbid, he has average looks with an average physique, and she would rather date a handsome dumb jock with a nice car, who treats her terribly, than to date an average guy. He frequently gets rejected by women because they are driven by their self-centeredness and superficiality, and don’t realize that he is the man of her dreams and right in front of her. In his childhood he was probably one of the last kids to be picked on the team to play kickball when he was a good player. And he may have even been bullied as a kid. The nice guy is probably a lonely person who just wants to fall in love and get married like everyone else, but for some reason women and people miss out on who he is. As a result of his lonliness and his natural need for sex and intimacy and relationships, he will get off on himself, only wishing he could share his life and body with the woman of his dreams. He probably has a lot of lonely nights, and the only time a woman sleeps with him or ever finds him attractive is because she is drunk. The nice guy will genuinely go out of his way to help the girl he has an interest in, but in the end his favors are disregarded. A nice guy always finishes last after bullies, jocks, jerks and rich guys. Evidently, his trustworthiness, honesty and commitment are only secondary to looks, money, and materialism. The interesting thing is that when women get depressed and stressed out being involved with the bad men, they always come back to the nice guy to help them.....until the process starts over again. And then, after decades of being in bad relationships, these same women are all-of-sudden 60-yrs old and single or divorced and wonder why they couldn’t find true love and the man of their dreams, when he was under their nose the whole time.

Basically, a nice guy is the worst insult a guy can receive by the girl he is interested in. It means “you are good enough to talk to and to get to know on a superficial basis out of convenience, but not good enough to get to know on a deeper level or to date.” When the girl I liked talked about me and said I was a “nice guy” to her female friends, I knew my chances of dating her were minute. Being called a “nice guy” is anything but a complement and makes me feel sad.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com January 23, 2009
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