11 definitions by MrCuddles

1. A mean/heartless person.

2. More common: A guy who perfectly fits the gender stereotype, and is insensitive, controlling, and will treat women like sex objects. Though many women constantly complain about guys like that, most end up with one, because they didn't dig deeper and didn't try to see through the jerk's crap. Instead of going for a nice guy who will obviously be there for a girl, most girls choose what's right in front of them, a cold-hearted bastard who happens to look "macho", who is a big-time flirt and wears his penis on his sleeve.
Billy Bob: Can I have a piece of candy? Please?
Joseph: Let me think about that... NO! WAAAHAHAHAHA!
Billy Bob: ...Jerk!

Charlie: Hey, I heard Becca broke up with Tom...
Ernie: Yeah, she found out he was cheating on her.
Charlie: He sounds like a jerk.
Ernie: He is, but she bought all his shit instead of listening to us, and now she's asking why... kinda sad.
Charlie: Yeah, is sucks to be a nice guy, huh?
Ernie: Tell me about it.
by MrCuddles November 26, 2006
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Putting something that eventually must be done to the very last minute. Sometimes this method can be successful, and the person will get to spend a lot of time relaxing, and still get work done. Other times, however, it can lead to poor grades, incomplete work, etc. If one has a lot of work, it is understandable that the person will leave some for the last minute, although this person may be subject to adjectives such as lazy.
Me: Wow, I've got an 8 page history paper, a French project, a science lab, and a lot of other nightly homework... I'll do some now, but to avoid exhaustion, I'll have to use procrastination with the rest.

Ignorant person: You is lazy!

Me: And just how much work have you done this weekend?

Ignorant person: Uh...

Me: Hypocrite.
by MrCuddles February 3, 2007
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Short for brb, which some people use literally, and are gone anywhere from 3 seconds to 5 minutes. Some people, however, use it much more loosely, and will be gone for hours on end, and usually come back making a truly shitty excuse for why they were gone so long. Used mainly in IM conversations.
1. Proper usage
Person #1: LOL
Person #2: I'll brb, gotta take a shit
Person #1: kk
---1 minute later---
Person #2: k back
Person #1: coo

2. Improper usage
Person #2: LOL
Person #1: brb
Person #2: alright
---15 minutes later---
Person #2: ...hello...?
---45 minutes later---
Person #2: you there!?
---4 hours later---
Person #1: I'm BAAAAACK!
Person #2: What were you doing? Scratching your genitals?
Person #1: NO! Never, I would never ignore you! I was... uh... painting my toenails?
Person #2: psssh *signs off*
by MrCuddles November 19, 2006
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One who does not personally believe in a deity or God. Though some do fully deny the possibility of a God, many simply do not believe in one personally, and accept that others do. A group that faces a lot of discrimination, perhaps the most after Jews.
Atheist: Hello, I am an Atheist.

Tolerant Christian: Sup dude.

Intolerant Christian: Demon! Filth! Urchin! You're in denial of the omnipresent, wonderful God!

Tolerant Christian: Dude, please shut up, you're giving us a bad na-


Atheist: Actually, I do have morals, I believe killing is wrong, and-


Atheist: I don't follow the Bible though, because I actually
believe killing is wrong myself, I don't need to be ordered to by a "deity".


Tolerant Christian: ...I hate myself.
by MrCuddles November 26, 2006
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The kind of guy who would always be there for a girl, and would never let her down, cheat on her, treat her like shit, etc. The kind of guy that will actually listen to a girl and her problems, and try to help her. And most of these guys, despite the stereotype, still do stand up for themselves, will NOT let someone push them around, and are NOT wimps.

It would seem that girls would race for these kind of guys, but since physical attraction is in truth, just as important to most women as it is to most men, most girls just go for the guy closest to them who acts "tough" and masculine" and is handsome, and will totally ignore the nice guy. And then they'll complain to the nice guy about how they got cheated on and treated like shit, and ask why. Not all girls are like this, but the vast majority, like guys, never dig deeper than the surface and cling on to what they consider "masculine" and go for it.
Nice guy (let's call him N): Hi, I'm always here to help you.
Jerk (let's call him J): Hey sexy, I can beat up any fucker that messes with me!
Blind (mentally, not physically, and let's call her B) girl: Oooh! Hey, J! That is sooooo sexy!
J: Tight. Let's get wild.

---two days later-----
N: So what exactly happened to you?
B: *sniff* he cheated on me, and then called me a stubborn bitch!
N: Awww, that jerk. Well don't worry, you can always talk to me.
B: thank you *sniff*
N: So do you want to hang out sometime?
B: Sorry I got a date with this other guy, who is really hot, and-
N: Oh great, thanks for returning the favor.
B: Anytime! Bye!
N: Wait a minute! Oh shit, she hung up.

***Girls, please give nice guys a chance, or this scenario will keep happening!!!****
by MrCuddles November 26, 2006
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Getting nervous easily around new people, especially those of your sexual preference. And although many people will claim blushing is a part of shyness too, this is not always the case. Many guys find this attractive in girls, although shy guys have a reputation for being ridiculed by girls.
That person is shy, and usually backs away from meeting new people.

Ethan: So Max, are you going to ask Kelsey to the dance?
Max: Nah, I'm too shy.
Ethan: Come on, man, girls don't like shy guys, just be outgoing instead and it'll be easy!
Max: ... It's much easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk.
by MrCuddles September 10, 2006
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The world's greatest girl ever. She is smart, beautiful, loving, and overall perfect. She can make anybody smile by just saying hi and she will do anything to keep that smile on your face. She also has the best boyfriend ever who loves her very much.
Me: God Dajah can't stop making me smile. I love it.
Matt: Shut the fuck up we all know its just cuz u r dating her.
by MrCuddles June 12, 2013
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