Nagging rights are a privelage inadvertantly granted to a girl at the beginning of a relationship. It generally refers to a gentleman's obligation to put up with ridiculous demands and constant irritation (which he would never do under normal circumastances) from a female partner for the good of the relationship.
Somehow, many women manage to retain nagging rights even after a breakup, especially in the case of divorce.
"Dude, how many phone calls did you just ignore from your ex?"
"Who the fuck cares? She ain't got nagging rights no more!"
by whyareallofthesetakendammit August 1, 2009
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To bother a Ram.
I'm gonna go nag a ram
by beepblop March 25, 2020
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A Menace to society. Devourer of worlds. The reason the once thriving, growing, and popular bustling town of Armadillo is now in dissaray and plague. One day the townsfolk decided to build a stable for everybody's fine horses, open to all and would help any sick or hurt horse. That's when an old dying sickly man rode into the fine town of armadillo on one scrawny nag. Scrawny Nag a skinny deathly cancerous horse. The old man took his horse to the stables slowly as he got closer the people of Armadillo saw the large bags under his eyes and the look of terror on his face. He gave the horse to the people of Armadillo and left. The next few days were full of death as the people got plagued with the black death and other deathly diseases.
by DogeGamer May 7, 2022
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An insence made with Sandlewood and the Champa flower (Plumeria).
To say Nag Champa lets start with:
"Nag." Start by saying "Gnaw" then slap a "G" on the end. The word is closer to "Nogg" (as in egg nogg) than "Nag" (what your mom or wife does to try to get you to do dishes)
"Champa" pronounced "Shampa"

Now you won't sound like you are talking about a person that chomps on naggers when you say, "Nag Champa"
Those Indians know their insence. Nag Champa rocks!
by Insane Preacher March 15, 2008
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A competition where wives girlfriends and bitches all over the world come to compete to see who is the biggest nag in the world. The challenges are all about nagging a man to do something you want. The harder the chore is for the man to do the more points the woman gets for nagging them to do it. The winner gets a trophy and a cash prize, also the husband or boyfriend of this woman gets sent complimentary ear plugs so that this lucky guy doesn't have to take this constant nagging.
Alessia: Honey I won the Nag-a-thon!

Jim: I know they sent me these ear plugs, I think I'll put them on now.

Alessia: No, take those off you haven't done any chores and you didn't even say how happy you are for me and another thing............

Jim: What? I can't hear you.
by The Chocolate Leopard April 11, 2010
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somebody whos constantly annoying and really bitchy.
Bob: but i wanna see this movieeeeeeeeeeeeee
Drew: shut the fuck up, don't be such a nagging nancy.
by I own faces. January 26, 2006
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A great incense to burn, with its strong individual smell that you can't find in any other incense. Starting with a potent smell that goes to a cool sweet smell as time passes. If you burn, than it's the only one to have in your burner.
by Spencer October 27, 2003
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