A term used to describe a time when you are having or have had a lot of bad luck or problems that are really messing your life up. When you feel like you have had more than your share of bad luck.
Joe: I just rolled my car so I wont be at the party tonight!
Greg: Man you are really having some bad luck! Didnt you just tell me you cut your arm off yesterday?!
Joe: Ya that right! Its Murphys gay law!
by txfarmboy April 20, 2011
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When you select a locker in an empty locker room, the next person coming back to their locker will be right next to yours. If they happen to enter at the exact moment you're putting on your underwear, then their locker will be on the opposite side of you and they'll have to shuffle by uncomfortably close.
Me: (putting on underwear in the locker room)
Next guy: oh hi, I need to slip past you to get to my locker; hope you don't mind.
Me: No problem; it's Murphy's Locker room Law.
Next guy & Me: chuckle chuckle chuckle
by Grute Man August 27, 2017
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Refers to the infuriatingly-common "lousy timing" occurrence of your seldom encountering the usually-hoped-for opportunities/pleasantries (i.e., neighbors relaxing on their front porches/lawns whom you can shoot the breeze with on your way by, pretty girls to hold hands with and "chat up for a few", sizable numbers of discarded returnable containers, etc.) whenever you're out for a stroll or otherwise leisurely traipsing around your local area on foot, yet when you either hitch a ride with someone or are "a man on a mission" in your own vehicle and thus you can't "acceptably" stop to avail yourself of any of these assorted "sidewalk delights", the roadsides you travel along will either be "chock-full of friendlies" or "Bottle/Can City", and so you'll be mentally "climbin' da walls" at having to agonizingly pass on by all of those much-desired goodies.
It was foggy and chilly when I started out walking around town to complete my weekly errands-list, and so there was hardly another soul outdoors, but then sometime later when I was riding back again with a neighbor who'd offered me a lift home, the weather turned clear and balmy again, and there were lots of smiley-faced sundress-clad cuties strolling the walks all over town! Guess it was Murphy's Pedestrian-Perks Law at work!
by QuacksO July 21, 2018
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Da "hanged if you do and hanged if you don't" fact-of-life irony regarding how a sizeable sector of da female populous treats any dude who shows interest in them romantically --- i.e., if a guy gets da idea from a gal's attitude/behavior towards him dat he should just mind his own business and not court her, she'll bawl and blubber dat he is making her feel ignored and unvalued. Yet if he then hastily begins persuing her in da naive belief dat this is what she wants, she'll go "bawlin' and blubberin" to da COPS and tearfully accuse him of harassing her! Can't win... :P
I always tread super-carefully when approaching a new lady for companionship or intimacy --- seems like Murphy's Law of Attentiveness is often lurking just around da corner to pounce on me and give me undeserved grief!
by QuacksO March 22, 2023
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Murphy's Law states that any female who has been blessed with the last name Murphy is considered to be attractive. This law holds true for all Murphy's.
Dude did you see that chick? I bet she is a murphy because thats a smoke. Murphy's law has once again been proven.
by BigSillyWilly222 February 9, 2018
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1. anything than can go wrong, will go wrong
2. if there's multiple way something will go wrong, it'll go wrong in the worst way possible
3. if you'll thought of 4 ways the thing will go wrong, it'll go wrong in the 5th way
4. if you try to play some video games in secret, urmom will find out
my mom found me out playing games thanks to the murphy's law
by missingno_kekw March 7, 2022
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That every thing Murphy says is true and should be followed. Except for the things that aren't funny, which are.... alot.
"Murphy I am I fat?" to which murphy replies. "No you are not, don't be stupid"
by Murphy September 10, 2003
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