The anus of a gay man. Comes from the combination of the two words Man Cunt
"Dude those guys were total fags, I bet there gonna go plow each others Munts later"
by Josh Poysnick June 13, 2007
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the male version of a cunt
I can't believe Carl stuck me with the bill. He is such a munt.
by jwlasee September 19, 2008
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To Munt is to go munting.
Billy and Timmy went to the graveyard, dug up a corpse. Billy put his mouth at the corpse's rotting vagina, and Timmy jumped on her stomach so that all her bodily juices flowed out into Billy's eager mouth.

Billy: What did we just do?
Timmy: We went munting!
Billy: Or we?
Timmy: Munted
Billy: Which is a variant of the verb...
Timmy: To Munt.
by manyperson August 11, 2009
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When a male's pants are too tight in the crotch and form what looks like a vagina. Aka man cunt
Damn, Anthony's pants are too tight! I can see his munt!
by Pansithero March 8, 2015
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