Speaking without thought; talking like an un-educated person on a subject they know nothing about; giving an answer to a question that has no relevancy to the question; Sean's cousin Bob gave a Mumble Jumble answer (not Mumbo Jumbo Dr. Bob).
Bob gave a Mumble Jumble answer to Sean's simple question about a fishing trip.
by Deftonio August 21, 2007
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A ganre of rap sang by people who aren't able to talk understandably.
A mumble rap song *by unknown reasons* must consist of: Contain at least one sport car *preferably ferrari or Lamborghini, A rapper with dyed hair *atleast 3 unnatural colors* a decent amount of drugs *Preferably abuse of prescription drugs* and also pretty women.

Optional: Crippling depression and anxiety. Feat. Nicky minaj
I cant understand Shit from this mumble rap nonsense. How can you listen to this shit.
by xXMeemLord3225Xx November 3, 2020
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Also known as a soundcloud rapper, many go by Lil’ (name) and all end up with face tattoos.
They only rap about drugs, money (even if they don’t have it), gangs (whether or not it’s true) and use random beats found on YouTube.

They make up their own words and are hard to understand, they repeat the same lyrics throughout their songs and can be heard using the words; uh, yeah and aye a LOT.
by donttouchmeimcrying March 13, 2019
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When one is drunk, makes macaroni and cheese and proceeds to mumble while consuming it.
John: How's that mac and cheese?
Mike (with the macaroni mumbles): prmmmty fmuckinnmm gmoodm
by xMilkman July 16, 2009
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Garbage subgenre of Hip Hop music that grew to be popular in the 2010s. Mumble rap is usually a bunch of drugged up morons mumbling incoherent garbage. Most of their "songs" are about sex, drugs, or money and they all sound the same.
Mumble rap isn't music, it's garbage. I can't wait until it goes out of style.
by reDRagon Fan January 15, 2019
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A person finding it difficult to communicate due to having face completely covered in ejaculate.
Baz completely covered wreck and dockers, they were proper mumbling zombies :nod:
by dub79 October 27, 2013
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