Me and Randy are gonna go get mossed after the game.
by Jon-E September 2, 2005
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a hilarious video that you tell everyone else to read, but only the filmakers get the moral. chocolate pancakes
Wow, that movie is nearly as good as mossed!
by parkinsonschocolate December 27, 2010
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To take a huge, gnarly, semi-liquified shit.
Chuck stopped by my house on his way home because he had to moss.
by Daylizzle September 10, 2008
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Originally used in football, it is now being used to indicate that you have destroyed someone in a verbal, or physical manner.
Person one; example a: Hoh? Badass you say? That's what you classify yourself as? Deplorable. What a vain piece of trash you are. Remember this, 'Badass'; for every badass with such conceit as yours, there's always someone badder.

Person two: Mossed.

Person one; example b: MAN; what happened to you?!

Person two: He got mossed.
by An_Epic_Alias August 1, 2008
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An extreme case of aggression or beastiness...being like randy moss.

Something perfect or perfected

A moment of perfection.

(Noun): Mosstosity

(Verb): Mossed
Did you see that catch he made in was so moss.
by TheDillKing2 February 2, 2010
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To get owned or pwned in a matter so good that chuck norris would be proud.
I totally mossed him when I assassinated his ass.
by Bobbby Bob October 22, 2007
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Ultra heavy and dirty wordfuneral doomword band from the UK.
Hey, these Moss guys are so fucking heavy! Where's the noose?
by yaddith October 21, 2003
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