a. Intoxicated with alcohol liquor to the point of impairment of physical and mental faculties
b. Caused or influenced by intoxication

also known as:
Adjectives drunk, tipsy; intoxicated; inebrious, inebriate, inebriated; in one's cups; in a state of intoxicationn.; temulent, temulentive; fuddled, mellow, cut, boozy, fou, fresh, merry, elevated; flustered, disguised, groggy, beery; top-heavy; potvaliant, glorious; potulent; squiffy; overcome, overtaken; whittled, screwed, tight, primed, corned, raddled, sewed up, lushy, nappy, muddled, muzzy, obfuscated, maudlin; crapulous, dead drunk.
by Malcolm November 29, 2003
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as a malcolm i cannot confirm any of these, these are all false
that malcolm is from canada
by NorthIsHot January 6, 2021
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a woman usually a teacher probably of
(english or history, you know one of those bitchy ones) who shows towards strong tendencies towards towards dikeisim. this woman is usually "married" but keeps her madden name. she shows a strong prejudice to men for no real reason. basically a mean ass woman who is always on the rag.
dude that fuckin english teacher was totally a Malcolm, she hates all the guys in the class.
by queerbear March 21, 2008
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N. An unofficial disease contracted by everyone at some point. Symptoms may include drowsiness, aches and pains, and accelerated aging.

See also Malcolmish
Associate: I can't come into work today.
Manager: Why not?
Associate: Oh, I've contracted Malcolmitis.
Manager: Oh my god...Well you just stay home, I can't have you working while you're malcolmish.
by Lee3PO September 30, 2005
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1)a revolutionary boss, some one powerful and influential.
*drived from respect to Malcolm X

2)someone of popularity who allways recives much female campanionship.
by li'l Ray Ray jr. June 1, 2006
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A beautiful person with a big heart usually of the male species. Usually misunderstood, but if you are one of those crazy people on his frequency he’s the best person you’re ever gonna meet. Has the biggest cutest smile ever and big arms to sleep on. His larger-than-life fantasies will make you laugh at first, but he’s serious. Super dedicated to his chosen career path. May come off as a player but he just is in love with moments & other beautiful people. He always out here looking like daddy so he’s meant to have lots n lots of children. A little cocky at times because he knows that he’s fine, but also wants to see others love themselves too. So supportive. His only flaw is his lack of time management. If you know a Malcolm treat him nice.
Person 1: “I’m having a bad day” :(

Person 2: “you should call Malcolm
by bluntblesser June 25, 2020
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