A funny total memester that is kind but has autism so a bit of a shy crybaby that you still can make friends with him.
by pULTRAi February 22, 2020
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you have been brutally dunked on by a skinny man who's cock is as large as his nose
Timmy Keane's cock shoved into your eyes when timmy keane yammed on you.
by thebuster March 15, 2022
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The only good thing other than cider to come out of Ireland. The most British football player to be Irish, and the only Irish person Brits will ever love
Guy 1: Roy Keane is the best Irish player and the best number 16 of all time
(Guy 1 now gets all of the undivided female attention)
by ohgharold July 22, 2022
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Definition here: Rory's playing Hartland Snyder, like a blast from the past, but in Oppenheimer
Example of how it's used in a sentence:

Person 1: You remember Rory Keane?

Person 2: Yeah, Rory Keane as Hartland Snyder in Oppenheimer!
by courtofowls September 6, 2023
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a kid who always sleeps on his sister's boyfriend's cum, he happens to get dirty sanchezes from carver all the time
by Chris Carver January 13, 2005
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this isn't a joke
Kean stinks
I'm sorry bro
by TurdSucker69 October 5, 2020
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