When you have sexual intercourse with large black men, usually athletes.
My friend was Kardashianing. whore kim kardashian fake black penis blackpenis
by KanyeTheWest July 12, 2012
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Human princess with a large posterior who often enjoys the company of black human males and utilizes modern technology to exhibit such sexual encounters. Often done to the dismay of a deceased father.
Kim Kardashian is a piece of hawt, steamy, female.
by willy limp lump November 14, 2007
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A family that no one cares about. They are full of attention seeking whores. They care more about attention than they do about their own family. If one of them doesnt get their way they throw a huge tantrum and cry like little bitches.
If the Kardashian family received Deez Nutz, they would make a reality show out of it.
by EPiK Truth September 15, 2015
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A messed family that nobody really cares about except middle-aged women.
Mike: Does anyone really care about the Kardashians?
George: Only yoir mom, dude.
by winwinmomatter August 5, 2012
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My jeans are too tight...my kardashian grew.

Hey Becca, your kardashian looks great in the skirt!
by Misha Toon December 5, 2007
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"Excuse me, I have to use the kardashian."

"Please do not flush sanitary napkins down the kardashian."
by Unka Truk February 16, 2016
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