The act of masturbation performed in the knowledge the cleaner or gardener will arrive during the event and be compelled to carry on their duties regardless or beat a discreet exit. Such occasions are often filmed for general viewing on social networked media.
I treated Carlotta to a Mexican delivery. She carried on dusting the furniture without batting an eyelid.
by meddlesomepriest June 1, 2012
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The art and science of maximizing your income as a delivery driver for apps like Door Dash and Uber Eats
MY homie DR DRE makes bank as a delivery driver for Uber Eats and Door Dash because he's Delivery Hacking!
by Delivery Hacker July 16, 2020
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n. Any type of food that will will transport a large amount of delicious condiment/topping into the mouth. Such as: bread is just the delivery-device for butter. Crackers are just a cheese delivery-device, and hot dogs are just a ketchup/mustard delivery-device.
Daughter: Do you want some bread with that butter, dad?
Dad: Well, bread is just the butter delivery-device.
by Pwny912 July 18, 2009
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Delivery stress is the sensation of anxiety experienced from the powerlessness associated with waiting at home in anticipation of the delivery of goods, most commonly households appliances, scheduled to arrive at an unfeasibly, imprecise time. Some may also experience associated cabin fever due to the inability to leave one's home for fear of missing the delivery slot. Other associated Behaviour includes irrational calling/complaining; excessive coffee consumption; neighbour pestering; post-its on doors; loitering outside home; inability to accept reality of poor delivery services; denial. For those with online shopping addictions, Delivery Stress can be a complicated and all encompassing condition.
My delivery was scheduled to arrive between 07:00 and 20:00 today. I've had such bad delivery stress all day, I couldn't plan my life or even go out for a latte. And when it arrived, it wasn't the organic fair trade quinoa I had ordered. It was unfair trade!!
by Rboum October 3, 2013
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The pants you put on for the sole purpose of accepting a food delivery and immediately remove once the gentleman has left and the door is closed.
God I'm hungover. But I can't answer the door in my underwear. That's a level of shame I'm not ready for.

I better put some delivery pants on.
by lazyinnyc January 7, 2013
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1. Word used to describe unnecessary mechanics of a video game, filler content in a game.
(Term coined from a ProZD skit.)
“Man I hate it when games have basically all egg delivery content and zero actual gameplay.”
by August 6, 2022
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