Metaphorical phrase describing ANY type of risky behavior, be it physical, literal, figurative, or metaphysical. The representation of a disease emphasizes the magnitude of the risk.
*Friend picks up a piece of candy from restroom floor.
"Ewwwww, nooo, that's how you get AIDS!!!!"
by NMS33 November 28, 2022
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The lamest rhetorical question in the English language. Requires the answer of 'Fine' no matter how you feel or why you are going to have a conversation. An exercise for the lips and tongue.
I was dying of cancer and had to see my doctor. He asked me, "How are you?"
by Stephan Smolka January 18, 2009
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Unnecessary plural used for the word "it", otherwise meaning "that is how you do it".
by CelticWonder November 19, 2002
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to ask your friend how he feels today, if there is anything you can do or say, how his voice is today and how much pressure he puts into a handshake. how his sleep is and what he eats.
by Krkič May 19, 2019
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Oft used as a do-not-bother-replying greeting, "how are you" represents the impersonalization of modern society stretched to an extent never witnessed before. It is however still okay to use it as long as you genuinely care.
Person A: Hi, how are you?
Person B: How are you?
(Conversation over)

Person A: Hi, how are you?
Person B: Like you care.
by Jonathan Archer January 2, 2006
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A way of telling a person who's doing shady shit ex stealing that they gunna have the same thing happen to them as in karma or in the same way it can be a threat or a promise to return the favor someone who got something stolen would tell the thief just wait you gunna get it how ya live basically letting the thief know he's gunna steal his shit
Say bra, you stole from me hell nah just wait you gunna Get it how you live dog.
by Tyson mosier March 13, 2019
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