President of Family Radio, and host of his show "Open Forum." He is notorious for his frequent predictions of the rapture, that so far have not been fulfilled. His most recent prediction was in 2011, where he promised that 200 million believers would be taken to heaven, while the rest of the world's population would be left on earth to witness the end of the world. He had predicted that earthquakes would begin at 6 PM on Christmas island and would continue until the end of the world on October 21, 2011, where the world would be completely destroyed by a ball of fire. When the rapture failed to occur on the said day, he "moved" the date of the rapture to October 21, saying that the previous date had been a "spiritual" rapture, and that the real rapture would occur on October 21, 2011, complete with the simotaneous destruction of the world. Unfortunatly, his previous failed prediction will likely ruin his credibility. He had previously predicted the rapture to occur early in 1994.
Harold Camping doesn't know what he's talking about, and neither do the entire 5 people who make up his following.
by dantherocker1 June 2, 2011
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An old bastard who, after falsely predicting the rapture and subsequent end of the world twice in 1994 and May 21, 2011, has boldly made another prediction for October 21, 2011. He screwed over many people (although if you're dumb enough to believe kind of deserve it.) He made millions off of this scam from his followers, some donating all of their life savings and retirement to his "non-profit organization."
Harold Camping is, for lack of a better term, a douche bag.
by KaylaKush May 24, 2011
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A pastor who predicted that the world was going to end on May 21st, 2011. He was wrong.
Hey guys, Harold Camping here. On May 21st, all of us Christians are gonna go to Heaven. You ready guys? Oh, crap. Nevermind...
by Nafrenchfry May 25, 2011
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ejaculating into a person's eye, thus "taking it out" as per king harold at the battle of hastings in 1066
fash was getting tugged by his lass but he shot his muck into his own eye giving himself a king harold and was blinded for a while until he managed to get to a&e for a hose down
by davethejag April 6, 2009
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Doing a harold comes from Harold Holt, australian politician, went missing after swimming in Victoria
"Looks like yer mates doing a harold."
(leaving a party early)
by Melbury September 4, 2009
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an old piece of shit that has a lot of money because he convinced people that he knows when the world is going to end. he has been wrong on all predictions, and there are more to come in the future.
Hey, i wonder when Harold Camping is going to give up on predicting the end of the world. Fourth times a charm?
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Near Romford, situated in the London Borough of Havering.

Has a hospital where many amazing people have been born.

Unfortunately, also very near to Harold Hill
Meet you at Harold Wood, yeah?
by Mr G. December 21, 2004
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