A disease very similar to Middletons' Disease only much worse. This disease is suffered by Beatrice Middleton when she wants to play with the kids, but they aren't there. It is also commonly seen in the Middletons' pet dog, Bumper, when he wants to play. When she gets Gunny Granny Flu Beatrice is often stuck in the house and is very lonely. It is cured by intense workouts and other treatments such as massages. So if you love the comic strip 'The Middletons', be careful - you might get Middletons' Disease and the Gunny Granny Flu.
Bumper: Uh oh, its school time again. I bet Miss Beatrice will have the Gunny Granny Flu.

Rusty: She sure will! Its tough when the kids are in school. Crazy fall time.

Beatrice: Yes, it is crazy around this time. But think of it this way: you get to spend all your time with me. Isn't that sweet? (She reaches for a Martian Mud and rubs it into Bumper's fur)

Bumper: Thank you! That's better. Now I've got the Gunny Granny Flu. What else can we do?

Rusty: Well, I know she likes to stretch. How about we stretch each other? (Bumper and Rusty start stretching on each other)

Beatrice: Yes, that's it. You two know how to make a Gunny Granny feel better. Now how about a game of fetch? (she throws a tennis ball to Rusty)

Bumper and Rusty: Poor Beatrice! She doesn't know what to do. I guess the Gunny Granny Flu will never end. Its just so sad.
by Dusty's Baby Powder September 14, 2011
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The pathway to insanity. The Gunny Highway is often traveled by lost souls seeking a meaning to their wanton need for guns and bloodshed. Travelers on the Gunny Highway make for good temporary compatriots, but you should never as one to be your best friend.
I've got nades and a shovel... time to ride the Gunny Highway.
by NeverDie November 24, 2005
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A country dance done by Beatrice Middleton. Most notably done to 'Hillbilly Rock' by Marty Stuart. Its a fun dance and is also a wonderful pre-game warm up exercise. Its also used as a celebration dance when Beatrice's teams win. So if you want some fun that keeps ticking like a clock, do a crazy thing called the Gunny Granny Rock!
Beatrice: Hey kids, you want to learn the Gunny Granny Rock? Its fun!

Diego: Sure! But what's a Gunny Granny Rock?

Wilson: Yeah, what you talkin' about Coach Beatrice?

Beatrice: Here, let me show you. (She turns on 'Hillbilly Rock') You just imitate the movements of the song. Its easy. (She starts dancing with them)

Diego: You're right, this is fun! I love it.

Beatrice: I knew you would. This is crazy. Its the Gunny Granny Rock beating with the drum. Its as quick as shooting from a gun. You'll love it.

Diego and Wilson: Nice! Crazy as a clock, we love it when you do the Gunny Granny Rock. Cause after all a Gunny Granny's gotta do what a Gunny Granny's gotta do!

Beatrice: Right on! (she high fives Wilson and Diego)
by Dusty's Baby Powder January 11, 2012
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1. Name given to Hyung Keun by Ms. Degenaars
Hyung Keun => Hunny Gunny
by BOB March 3, 2005
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wat my dad calls films with guns shooting and fast driving
james bond is a gunny shooty drivey fasty
by Stuart Iversen March 25, 2006
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Belives in the holy Gunni book and will do anything to honor Gunni and defeat feminism because he is a gunninist to the bone and is proud to be one

They were founded in 2008 by the GA/Gunni Army and has fought many hard battles but never a single loss

inn list today wwwGA/Gunni Army.com
Look at that GUNNI TROOPER from the GA/GUNNI ARMY he's so smexy and amazing
by Lord Gunni March 24, 2022
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A person from Gunnedah Australia, who is annoying, obese, rude and a bogun
Person 1: Look there is a person from gunnedah eating two day maccas from the trash while vaping.
Person 2: Fucking gunny rats.
by coledalecuntmuncher September 10, 2023
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