A grape is a fruit. A sweet, purple fruit. Only name boys who are sweet Grape.
"That guy over there, I think I have a crush on him."
"Really? What are we going to call him?"
"Grape. Because he's sweet."
by Direct_at&t_ spectrum May 21, 2016
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a contraction of the words gang and rape. when someone has insulted or dissed a gang, to get revenge upon the person, they are raped by every member of the gang before being killed. When notifying other members on the phone they use grape as a sort of code.
gangster 1: Yo, Latrell said cripz got small dicks
gangster 2: GRAPE DAT BITCH
by lol cripz June 16, 2007
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The act of doing something dirty by a person that you wouldn't expect.
Did you hear? Vill and Wiloria are graping. Those two kids were so innocent at first, but I guess thats what happens.
by Frank Majobia February 16, 2009
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a combination of to words:
gay and rape
joined together to make one word grape.
So, grape means gay rape.
That dude just got graped.
Oh man, he's a grapist.
by jfung April 29, 2008
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Do you like grapes?
I do like grapes.
Good so do I.
by TheGuyWhoDefinesRandomFood November 16, 2017
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Grapes are fruit in the games Yoshi's Story and Yoshi Touch & Go as well as on Earth.
"hey wanna have some grapes?"
"the shit from yoshi's story?"
"... what the fuck?"
by meme man the only man February 22, 2021
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