Ren Stevens: Would you like anything to eat?
Jason Bagwell: I never turn down a gooey gobbler, join me Ren?
Louis Stevens: Yeah Ren, have one.
Ren Stevens: Eh...
by Bama Self May 27, 2007
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The Hob Gobbler is the name a of a legendary trickster figure that lives along Pine Mountain in the Appalachian Mountains. It is a devil that takes the form of a turkey, which sometimes grants wishes but sometimes pays tricks on those who seek it out.
Well he may show up to help if he said he would, but that boy aint no more reliable nor trustworthy than the old Hob Gobbler himself.
by JLApp July 13, 2013
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One who consumes copious amounts of marijuana.
Hey, Michael, you're such a Green Gobbler...
by halifaxanadu August 12, 2009
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Someone who has exceded the limitations of being an ordinary douchebag or doucher. Someone that is so lame their only purpose on this earth is gobbling douches.
Tim is such a huge douche-gobbler because he is mainly concerned with the north fargo taco bell closing
by EmDix January 20, 2009
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A person who completely dominates hotdogs during consumption.
"Did you see that guy eat that hotdog? He's a real glizzy gobbler."
by GetAwayNick July 7, 2020
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A dance where both the male goolies and unit are externally displayed through hole in briefs or boxers then shaken vigorously while moving hips rapidly from side to side. Also called the wangdoodle.
Look everyone! He’s doing the gobblers knob.
by Diego Mendez January 25, 2008
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