A cinder block or car wheel chained to the restroom key.
The strain of dragging that gas station key fob made me shit my pants.
by wolfbait51 May 9, 2011
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1) a gloryhole; a penis in a hole cut through a gas station bathroom stall
"Me and Tommy we're going to the BP and found a gas station weasel!"
by Kate Kush June 2, 2021
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A particularly lewd sex act that originated in Southern California in early 2019. This sex act was exposed by Don Berman of Channel 19 News. It is performed in a parked car behind an abandoned restaurant by a Twitter robo-whore.
It's 75 bucks for Betty to give you some of that Gomer opens the gas station. Not worth it, IMO.
by PHF77 May 12, 2019
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Nasty ass bathroom at a gas station with cum stains on the wall and unflushed shit
Thats a ratchet gas station bathroom
by mooneyboy August 2, 2014
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Typically when 2 of the opposite gender meet in a gas station bathroom and perform a blow job.
Yo me and Trish had a gas station blow job at a 7/11 on the side of I-95 South!
by tuggiespecialist69 December 6, 2022
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Gas Station Hot girl: An attractive but rumpled female. They are found often times wearing shorts, baggy jeans, University tank tops and cheap heels or flip flops. Usually seen in passing at gas stations, grocery stores, and other similar locations. Mentally you think "Doable", but you don't hear wedding bells.
She's gas station hot (girl). Did her up against the wall but don't know her name.
by LitGetGrl August 4, 2020
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