The type of moron who is so retarded, that they panic buy toilet paper for a virus that doesn’t give you diarrhoea.
Dave:Really, look at this guy buying up all the toilet paper because of coronavirus.
Bob:That guy is a fucktard, you don’t get diarrhoea from coronavirus.
by Ragnar Loddbrok June 26, 2020
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Someone who is all of the above. Gay, Douche, and a straight up asshole
by TMACHINE03 November 28, 2016
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it means retard and stupid mixed together.
somebody: bro i failed my math test, because instead of studying last night i fucked a bitch.
someone else: you're honestly a fucktard.
by dumb_bitch101 March 25, 2020
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When you are so stupid, people cannot believe that you were the sperm that actually won!
You are the biggest fucktard I know. Your GPA must be in the negative...
by 2Q+2Q=4Q August 3, 2023
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A fucking retard. Someone who lacks common sense. Someone who constantly messes up on normally accepted social standards.
dumbass doucebag douche
Ben:"Did you just lock your keys in your car?"
Kris:"Shit, I totally did..."
Ben:"you fucktard!"
by Whatdoyaknow March 26, 2008
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1. n: the state of being a fuck while at the same time illustrating the qualities of a mentally challenged personel, or, presently, a retard
2. n: one's innate ability to illustrate extreme dumbassness/bitchiness, even beyond the scopes of a normal fuck and/or retard
3. n: one who repeatedly and liberally uses the word "Doop" (see definition)
Gee! That sure was a great game of monopoly, and... HOLY SHIT, LOOK AT THAT FUCKTARD
by Sonny April 9, 2003
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