also known as "frolf." A common sport for bros and frat buddies.

Also used by really dirt poor bored friends. Being as it only costs around 7 dollars for a frisbee that you can use over and over again. Playing is usually free.
Hey Chad! Wanna bro out and play some frisbee golf!?
by Marv the sticky bandit December 5, 2008
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Throwing a Frisbee is a social ploy to leave two prospective mates alone. As in, if you and these two would be lovers are out with your friends, and the sparks start to fly, you might say "Who's up for a game of Frisbee?" knowing those little happy pucks aren't going to jump in, thereby leaving them to make out wildly.
Bob: Hey, Jim, thanks for throwing that frisbee for me and that Betty. I needed some alone time.
Jim: Don't worry about it, dawg. I know you needed some booty.
by jonquill December 2, 2004
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Outstanding game. Good fun among men and women of all ages.

The sport is sort of like a combination of football, rugby, and handball. Each team is allowed seven players on the field at a time. The game begins with the defense performing a "kickoff" by throwing the Frisbee to the offense. The offense retrieves the disk and begins their trek down the field. The teams can score one point by completing a successful pass into the other end zone.

The player who is in possession of the disk cannot move and can only pivot and throw. Turn overs occur after a score or failed pass. Defensive players are permitted to block and intercept passes. A foul occurs when any contact is made between a defensive player and an offensive player.

There are many different types of throws to be used in Ultimate Frisbee. The major ones include:backhand, forehand/flick, hammer, push pass, roller, scuber, wheeler, and many more. I won't go into how to perform each throw but the internet is a great source to learn any of these.

The two major ultimate Frisbee leagues are Major League Ultimate (MLU) and American Ultimate Disk League (AUDL). AUDL has 25 teams, while MLU is a smaller league with only 8 teams. (The Philadelphia Spinners are part of the MLU.)

Some Ultimate enthusiasts speculate that the sport has a good chance of entering the Olympics within the next decade. It is one of the fastest growing sports of all time.

Its a great sport to try out and get you up and running.
Person 1: What sports can we play? We've gotten tired of all the generic sports.
Person 2: If you want, I can call some guys over to play some Ultimate Frisbee?
Person 1: That's a great idea! I'll go grab the Frisbee!
by Spinners_Fan June 4, 2016
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Also reffered to as 'Ultimate' A great game that is sweeping the nation, and that only fags could dislike
Who's up for a game of Ultimate Frisbee?
by The ErectileProjectile November 16, 2006
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To penetrate a frisbee into one's anus. Then to shoot it out with intent for it to enter into your recieving partner's anus.
We engaged in a very rigorous match of Ass Frisbee.
by AssMan2001 July 11, 2006
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This is a slang term used to describe potheads wandering around Forrest preserves throwing Frisbees at each other pretending it is some type of organized sporting competition.
The new kid at work is sloppy and has trouble remembering things, I think he's a frisbee golfer.
by Meanie Meg April 24, 2009
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A version of the popular game tonsil tennis, only at a distance.
E.g. "Me and my hoe was pullin away from a game of tonsil tennis, then we was still attached sum how, made a great game of intergalactic frisbee m8 ;)"
by McVirzastan March 2, 2009
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