Killing bitch ass people without them knowing what the DL is.
We are going to Flapjack Andy's girlfriend.
by MBTJESSRW October 8, 2009
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To masturbate with a with a pancake (preferably warm) covered in warm syrup,
Phil make pancakes and decided to go flapjacking.
by DjRobot March 3, 2011
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A loose fold of skin which hangs from a persons underarm, and will often swing as they move.
"Watch where you're swinging those flapjacks, Arlene. You could hurt somebody."
by Captain Flapjacks July 27, 2012
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naked jumping-jacks. usually done to a team-mate while he ties up his laces in the locker room.
Ahhh! dude! stop with the flapjacks before i rip your nades off!
by Wahtever May 21, 2003
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When your dog gets neutered, the empty sack that remains. Resembles a FlapJack.

Also See Chicken Patty
OMG, Look at Troopers FlapJacks! he doesn't even know theres nothing there!
by BlackMeowCat July 14, 2004
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In the USA, a term used to describe an oat based pancake, sometimes eaten at breakfast.

In the UK, or at least in England, a term used to describe what American's call a granola bar. A snack made from oats, sugar or honey or golden syrup (treacle) and butter, occasionally with nuts or dried fruit added. When shop bought, they tend to be more rectangular in shape, but when homemade they tend to be cut in to square slices.
I had a flapjack earlier
Do you want some flapjack?
by Anonymousperson321 June 9, 2017
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