FAB = fat and bent. This word is used by people who are not cool.

by Bevvvvv February 3, 2009
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The female version of fapping. Generally used to denote mastubatory sessions that fall outside of the female stereotype (soft music, candles, warm bath, etc.)
So I watched 'Enemy at the Gates' yesterday, and I was TOTALLY fabbing off to Jude Law.
by Tortilla Factory March 20, 2005
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1. Declination of fabulous
2. Used in sarcasm to denote a particularly reverse feeling to fabulousness.
its raining, you're running late for work, you miss 2 buses but then when think you're gonna make it a car drives by to close and covers you in mud puddle
- FAB!
by svampi May 1, 2003
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abbreviation of the male name 'fabio'
"hey, my names fabio"
"hello, do you mind if i call you fab for short?"
by zoe =] May 29, 2008
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FAT ASS BOTTLE. Like, we're talkin 1.75 liter shit. The kind of shit that will TOTALLY FUCK YOU UP if its the right stuff. Vodka's back, mofos.
Damn, my mom just found my FAB of svedka and made me pour the whole damn thing out. I might have to smack a bitch.
by The McD December 12, 2011
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Stands for "Fresh Across the Border." Sort of like FOB, except used to describe Mexicans.
"He looks so FAB in his wool sweater and khakis."
by coldfusion245 November 22, 2004
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