Also used as a projectile weapon that can move at very high speeds.
18:23 <YonOid> shoulda shot them in the eye 18:23 <aC|D6> with ejaculate?.
by Foug April 9, 2003
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to exclam or say somthing

on the hardy boys one says "look out billy"hank ejaculated
by Sir Taylor of Pants December 3, 2003
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(eh jackul et)

It's when your urine turns white.
It only takes me about 35 minutes to masturbate myself to sleep. i have a glorious orgasm and sleep like a baby after i ejaculate.
by Ethan Tremblay March 28, 2011
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A gigantic douchebag that has gone above and beyond the call of duty to make himself synonymous with baby batter. See Kenny G
Pete: "Jesus, did you hear about John Tesh putting out another album?"

Wendy: "Yeah, that prick is nothing but society's ejaculate."
by Leroy Tabbins February 17, 2009
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The Korean name for Incineroar, a wrestling Pokemon and also the 69th unique fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
by Doosin January 20, 2019
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Usually an ejaculate of such magnificent proportions that all those in the area feel inadequate.
After some confusing talk, Jesus got frustrated with the human language and shot out through the roof like a celestial ejaculate, right onto the bosom of heaven.
by MightierToaster August 22, 2010
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To release your cream into her and get the fuck out soon after.
Richard: "So, what happened to the Becky girl you saw last night"
Chad: "Well, she was a 6/10, I've seen better, so I had to Ejaculate and Evacuate. I think I may have even left my pack of gum there"
by MamaWeegee July 3, 2018
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