pullin an eg is when a girl who wants to have intercourse, DITCHES you at the last second.
: yo emily wanna come over tonight :)
E: sure babe, wanna do some naughty stuff:)
B: ya:)

2 hours later

E: i have a dentist appointment, next time :)
by jaemillz$ December 8, 2009
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When a girl puts her period blood in every hole of your body, then uses wax to rip off your pubic hair.
Dude did you hear about when Tom's girlfriend started egging the lawnmower??

"That shit must've been so painful."
by jules019 December 20, 2020
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Artist from Orlando fl. Where music making comes straight from the east side. Eg stands for Eli gunz and 300 is where he’s from
Yo eg.300 if from Orlando and I like your music I stay on the East side.
by Kingboscico October 15, 2019
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when a man has anal sex with his male or female partner, thus resulting in a gaping asshole, which the man then decides to drops his balls into. Then the partner proceeds to contract his or her rectum, which causes the other's balls to be stuck incredibly uncomfortably inside his partner's anus.
Only a total bitch would ever try quail egging my balls unless of course it was Meryl Streep.
by john john September 19, 2006
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When a man sticks his ball sack into a vagina
Ted totally was goose egging her all night long.He goose egged so hard that he manage to get testicular cancer.
by Peelz 4 Dead May 2, 2010
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when proforming anal sex the man cuts a cream egg in half and puts the larger end of the egg on the end of his penis and then inserts it into the girl's ass.after anal sex the dribbling melted chocolate is then licked from the girl's ass.
cream egg ,how do you like yours ???

preferbly dribbling out of our lasses ass!!

cream egging :)
by pissedoffpanda October 9, 2011
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When one drinks excessively while creating Easter eggs to 90's trance and techno.... Preferably Darude's sandstorm.
I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your party last night. I was "Rave Egging."
by MagniumPI April 6, 2012
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