The act of crapping in a skillet or pan and leaving the lid on it for a victim to discover.
I left Billy a Dutch Oven on the stove. He was pissed.
by Dutch O September 11, 2014
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when somebody farts in bed and you lift the covers up and trap yourself with the covers.
when i was in bed my wife laid the nastiest dutch oven ever.
by ohyez221 March 26, 2003
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A large heavy pot used for slow cooking.
The dog's head was too large to fit in the sauce pan, but I had a Dutch oven stored at the back of the cupboard and it sufficied.
by chux August 3, 2003
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Also known as Stick-it. Royal Artillery game played on return to camp, after being out eating compo/mre for months. The pads/married folk would go back to there wives and wait, brewing up for the 2nd nights bedtime hour. Wife comes to bed, release then the warm air weasel of doom. Moving the wifes head into under cover position. Then
dutch oven::Let's see how long you can Stick-it, baby !!
by andand October 28, 2006
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To receive a Dutch Oven is when a hooker from Amsterdam poops in your mouth after they had a bowl of chipotle with chicken and beans.
The hookie finally ate chipotle and pulled a dutch oven on me last night. The best night I've ever had!
by mouthshithooker April 22, 2020
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When your stuck in a office meeting and someone has passed gas. No place to go. No place to question the stink.
My boss invited me into his office for a meeting and closed the door.That dutch oven meeting was sure stinky.
by At the Fed November 20, 2008
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To fart a really stink fart under the covers and hold it there. Then hold your own head and anyone else who wants to underneath the cover and enjoy.
I dutch ovened my wife last night!
by Chris February 4, 2004
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